Anyone wan to squad?
Easy. You just lead slightly below your target. I do it with the E-Liter 3K all the the **** can a sniper get you in midair
Easy. You just lead slightly below your target. I do it with the E-Liter 3K all the time.
Ohhhhhhhhhh that's more impressive. Sounds like I mean we were both falling
Ohhhhhhhhhh that's more impressive. Sounds like witchcraft.
Can I join the squad I'm semi good at splatoon for a beginner
Lost my A+ last night, was a mistake playing ranked when the mall place was out. The sad thing was, I was confident I was gonna win the last game, we got the rain maker to 5 and I spawn camped them and got 28 kills. (We held them there for the first two and a half minutes) And the one time we all die, the enemy goes in a straight line to our base and they pass us and make it to 3. uwu
The mall is just ridiculous lmao. Will probably play ranked later today when I'm not busy, if anyone's up to doing a squad later.
Alright! I'm on now if you want to squad, just lmk. It's TC port mackeral/triggerfish right now >u<I'll join ya. Hopefully we don't end up getting arowana mall as one of the ranked match.
Alright! I'm on now if you want to squad, just lmk. It's TC port mackeral/triggerfish right now >u<
Yeah I'm on now, I'll whip up a squad. If two other people want to join us for a quad squad, let us know!
I seriously took the TC to their base and the only one focusing me was the sniper who I hid from lmaoWe had the worst team mates....