Splatoon Splatoon General Discussion (HYPE THREAD)

Well, yet another failed attempt at getting perfect subs on a piece of gear. That's like the sixth time now. Got two in a row before ultimately wasting my time with an inconsistent third. I swear with how much this game is literally not letting me have anything, be it wins, subs, or luck, I'm really thinking about quitting.
Only lost 1 game so far and I am now cat champion.

Lol just after posting this I lost another 1.
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*squealing in excitement* Guys! My splatoon artbook I ordered came today! Oh my gosh it's so nice! (I really wish some of the alternate school uniforms they designed could be a thing) There's so much stuff in here and the references for just about everything. *sigh* I can finally start having a go at drawing splatoon. I'm so excited to look through everything. I just skimmed it a bit so far. XDD
Mine got here, but I forgot to open the gate, so now I have to go pick it up at the FedEx office tomorrow. I'm so jealous!

I can't believe I forgot to open the gate. orz
Went back to A and almost A- yesterday after failsquads, but got back up to A+ today.
A to A+ is always a breeze for me and idk why. First time was with the Slosher on Splat Zones (Walleye and Bluefin) and this time it was the Splattershot on Tower Control (Blackbelly and Kelp Dome). I just rushed through it both times with no losses. :p Maybe it helped that NOBODY WAS USING A ROLLER OR BLASTER AND IT FELT RELAXING NOT HAVING TO WORRY ABOUT THOSE DUMB THINGS
A+ to S on the other hand... *Sigh*
Ah! I got it! I got the book! This thing is hefty!

XDD It's really worth looking through. There's so much artwork in there and pictures of the gear.

I wish they'd release the other concepts of the school uniform as official gear. It all looks so nice. XDD
That's exactly what happened to me! Haha. I ended up going to the single player, since I haven't played it in a while.

There's so much in the art book! I'm loving some of the unused Squid Sisters designs. I'll try to take pictures of some tomorrow.
That's exactly what happened to me! Haha. I ended up going to the single player, since I haven't played it in a while.

There's so much in the art book! I'm loving some of the unused Squid Sisters designs. I'll try to take pictures of some tomorrow.

Oh my gosh i need the artbook now... Where did you get it?
I got it off Play-Asia.com, since they listed it before amiami.com, but amiami.com had it by the time it came out. If you need it faster, go for amiami.com.

Here are the links:



The book contains promotional art for conventions, concept art for characters and environments, the skill icons and other icons (like cursors, ink tanks, etc), images of the gear, environment concepts, weapon concepts, gear concepts...grafitti and text, a lot of things.

I think there's also translations of the Sunken Scrolls, but since the whole thing is in Japanese, I still can't read them, lol.
I got it off Play-Asia.com, since they listed it before amiami.com, but amiami.com had it by the time it came out. If you need it faster, go for amiami.com.

Here are the links:



The book contains promotional art for conventions, concept art for characters and environments, the skill icons and other icons (like cursors, ink tanks, etc), images of the gear, environment concepts, weapon concepts, gear concepts...grafitti and text, a lot of things.

I think there's also translations of the Sunken Scrolls, but since the whole thing is in Japanese, I still can't read them, lol.

Sounds interesting, i hope that they ship to The Netherlands :eek: Also i just saw the Squid Sister concepts but i like the final versions of them the best honestly.
I believe they ship worldwide, though the rates for shipping may be different there than in the US. It's all priced in Yen as well but Google's pretty good about money conversions.
I believe they ship worldwide, though the rates for shipping may be different there than in the US. It's all priced in Yen as well but Google's pretty good about money conversions.

Okay! Thanks for the info!
