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Splatoon Splatoon version 2.0.0 patch notes


Retired Staff
Dec 8, 2008
Sautéed Mushrooms
Timmy Christmas Doll
Togepi Easter Egg
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Rainbow Feather
Gold Trophy (First Place)
New Year's Party Popper
Bell Bag Badge
Easter Bunny
Snow Globe
Ver. 2.0.0 [8/5/2015 distribution plans] – 610MB download

Adding Tag Match mode.

Adding a mode where you, together with a group of friends, can join and play ranked matches with other groups in “Tag Match” mode.
As for ranked battles, you must be level 10+ to participate.
After linking up with friends, you can then link up with your friends’ friends.
In the case you join only with specific friends, please use the option to set a password.
Regarding opponents in Tag Match mode, you will only be matched with similarly-playing opponents in Tag Match mode.
Players playing ranked battles, you may not compete with players playing Tag Match mode.
You may play Tag Match mode with 4, 3, or 2 players.
Groups of 3 may play against groups of 4. In this situation, the group of 3 will respawn faster, as the side with only three is at a disadvantage.
In the situation you are playing in a group of 2, you can be matched with three other groups of 2 to play a “2 group of 2 vs. 2 groups of 2″ battle.

Adding Private Match mode.

Adding a Private Match mode where you can play with your friends using whatever rules, stages, and team divisions you like.
After linking up with friends, you can then link up with your friends’ friends.
In the times you want to participate only with specific friends, please use the option to set a password.

Changes regarding level:

You may now level up to level 50.
Once you have reached level 20 and have listened to the explanation in the lobby, the level cap will be raised.

Changes regarding rank:

You are now able to rank up to the S and S+ ranks.
You may raise your rank to S and S+ in Ranked Match (you may not do so in Tag Matches).
Once reaching rank S or S+, victories or defeats in Tag Matches will not affect your rank.
The method for calculating rank points (+/- 10, 8, 12, etc.) has been modified.
If your rank changes while in the middle of playing ranked battles, you will be sent back to the lobby.

Adding gear.

New gear will be added, which can be bought from the shops at random.

Adding BGM.

New BGM (background music) will be added, which can be heard at random while in battle.

Splatfest changes.

In calculating the final results, the winning percentage points (weight) has been changed from 2x to 4x.

Stage adjustments.

Urchin Underpass: All modes (i.e. Turf War, Splat Zones, Tower Control), large-scale terrain changes.
Saltspray Rig: Tower Control mode, adjusting certain stage elements.
Arowana Mall: Splat Zones mode, adjusting certain stage elements.
Kelp Dome: Splat Zones and Tower Control modes, adjusting certain stage elements.
Moray Towers: Splat Zones and Tower Control modes, adjusting certain stage elements.

Special Weapon adjustments.

Inkzooka: Increased the points of turf inked needed to fill the special gauge from 180p to 220p.
Echolocator: Increased the points of turf inked needed to fill the special gauge from 180p to 200p.
Killer Wail: Decreased the points of turf inked needed to fill the special gauge from 180p to 160p.
In both cases these are the numbers without the “Special Charge Up” gear ability.

Sub Weapon adjustments.

Splash Wall: The problem of a bomb directly hitting Splash Wall and the damage range not being calculated correctly has been fixed.

Gear Ability adjustments.

Tenacity: Special Gauge will now start filling at the start of a match even before the player starts to ink ground if there is a disparity between the number of players on teams. (thanks /u/EricPlus, the language in this one and the one below were a bit difficult to figure out)
Special Charge Up: When wearing a lot of Special Charge Up gear, there is a more consistent increase when inking ground. There was a slight difference in the special gauge increase when inking ground little by little versus inking ground a lot at a time. It now increases an amount proportional to the area inked regardless to the method of inking.

Match-related sound effect adjustments.

The Inkstrike can now be better heard from the left, right, and behind.
Some of the long-ranged weapons’ hit sounds will now be easier to hear from farther away.


Other adjustments to the game have been made so players may have a more pleasant experience.

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This is great. I love that the Inkzooka needs 40 more "p" now. I can't wait for private matches either.
I just got like 3 assessments today. I won't be able to play around with the new update very much... Why me...
This is really awesome, I love how they're changing little things to make it better. Also new BGM YAY can we finally have different Splatfest songs too??

I hope "New gear" can mean more skirts.

Imo they should just make gear that differs for the genders, like the Squid Hairclip for example.