here you go ^-^ credits to @Sulky for his Tybalt pic c:I’d love to see interiors for Leonardo and Tybalt, if anybody has them :3
no worries! There's a lot of pages so I thought maybe I could help get it unburied c:Wow thank you so much—totally didn’t expect to get a response so quickly (or at all, considering they’re not that popular) ^ェ^
Overall those both look pretty decent! Although...I know what they say about how you need to be comfortable in your own skin, but their flooring is a bit...questionable lol
Also thank you @Sulky — if it’s in this thread I just didn’t see your post!
I have it but he is currently not at home sorryi cant find moe's house interior - if anyone has pics to share it would be really cool
Is it nice?I have it but he is currently not at home sorry
It makes me sad that Erik was a part of the 3 villagers houses that I set up for so I don't get to see his true personality shine.
There was a thread earlier with pictures of his interior! HereAnyone have Teddy's?
(His interior has been mostly unchanged since his introduction to the series, I might be a bit miffed if it's super different lol)
Thank you!There was a thread earlier with pictures of his interior! Here
It looks like no one has them so I pulled these from Nookipedia:Does anyone have Pancetti or Broccolo?