I do like the aesthetic! I love finding them in the wild, it’s hard to resist the urge to handle them but I’d never incase they’re poisonous or something
I'm not a big fan of the way they taste, but I don't actively hate them. I will accept their presence in something like a pizza or casserole but I wouldn't buy them and make them myself.
The aesthetic is fun (I like the outdoors in general), but again, I wouldn't say I specifically like mushrooms more than, you know, trees or lakes or mountains or any other nature-y item. I voted that the emptiness can be neither filled nor destroyed by mushrooms, haha.
i love eating mushrooms, theyre delicious. ive had several kinds of mushrooms and all of the ones ive had, i liked, so long as theyre cleaned right because some people do NOT clean them well. im not big into mushroom aesthetics
neutral on mushrooms, neither love or hate (except the mythical mushroom bc it reminds me of Julian and was surprised to see it in the google doc when claiming)
Not the exposure threadsAesthetic wise mushroom pillows, blankets, tablecloths, whatever, are all fine and usually pretty cute so i like them there! Irl mushrooms however are an evil that must (musht?) be purged >-> ...I don't eat them. They're clearly plotting the world's demise.
i think a lot of mushrooms are pretty fun, and i like them as a decor aesthetic, but when it comes to eating them i'm really on the fence. i always said i didn't really like them, but as i've grown up i've realised i don't totally mind them but it just depends on how they're cooked and seasoned. they're still not a food i'd go out of my way to eat, but if someone's made me a meal with them i'm not going to be rude and pick them out.. probably
Aesthetically speaking I absolutely love mushrooms!! I don't know why they're so perfect, but they are! The cottagecore/fantasy lover in me just goes absolutely feral at the sight of them. Oh, to live in a forest filled with giant mushrooms...
Food-wise they're not my favorites or anything, but I do enjoy them! They're very savory and get used a lot as meat substitutes, so I encounter them a lot as a vegetarian. I think my only issue with them is the occasional mushroom contamination/poisoning horror stories floating around in my head ;;
I luv mushrooms!!! They’re just so cute!!! I also luv to eat them as well! My job used to have an appetizer dish of stuffed mushrooms that were delicious and there was this restaurant that my mom and I and my stepdad used to go to a lot that also had an appetizer stuff mushrooms that were literally the best I’ve ever had! I love to slice them up or do small ones and cook them up in butter and minced garlic and eat them straight out or put them on top of steaks. I am actually working on a wreath which I was supposed to finish a few days ago, but got distracted has mushroom decor and pumpkins as well on it.
I am almost done with it. I just need to finish up this last little area on the right and add a few little things as well.
I love the aesthetic. But food and texture wise... no thank you. I've tried to force myself to eat them but I just can't get over the texture. Gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it. *shudders*
Mushrooms are sooo yummy! I could eat way more than a serving on my own. I add them to everything I can, but they HAVE to be fresh, and they HAVE to be pan fried in butter. I cannot do canned mushrooms. I’m indifferent to raw. I love mushroom aesthetic too, but don’t have much of it myself.
I don’t like eating certain ones; the white button ones are very bland and don’t absorb flavor like better quality mushrooms do. From an ecological perspective I think mushrooms are awesome!! Their lifecycle is fascinating (Did you know a single spore will contain all the cells necessary to grow the mushroom over the course of it’s life!?!) and their purpose in the decay of biological material is SO important in keeping all sorts of living creatures healthy and free of illness.
I also think the mushroom aesthetic is very fun and I miss how popular it got because it made it really easy to find mushroom decor and clothes in common stores like target. Nowadays you have to look for specialty stores again