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SSBM Bowser Sig


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2005
Sautéed Mushrooms
Yeah, my first "tech" sig.
Which do you you prefer?


They're both not the best, but again, my first

So what's you're favorite?
mfrff... :barf: *various barfing sounds* errrg...gurr...bad. I'm sorry that isn't very good...at all.The render is absilutily attrocious, but you CAN fix that(assuming you are using photoshop), simply Ctrl+click on the render's layer the go
Modify>Contract>1/2px(however thick the white line areound the render is)>select>inverse>Delete
ALso the background REALLY doesn't go with the tech style you're going for.
Yeah I dont like it very much either, I'm trying to get into sig making soon! :lol:
Or just be a sig critic. And you render does suck.
4 out of 10
The only thing I don't care for is the outline of bowser. It sticks out, because you can still see it (the outline). Other than that, not bad.
Its good but the outline is taking away. You're getting better though. 6.5/10
In all Honesty, it looks like you cut that render in paint...

the background doesn't match it at all, and "tech" styling doesn't fit Bowser... there's nothing to it.

Guys, XGT is the only critic around here! Your like, taking his job!




I thought it looked pretty cool...then again, I'm no sig maker so I can't say stuff like "The render sucks, etc. ect." because I don't even know what a render might be. I'd say a 7/10.
Xemnas said:
Guys, XGT is the only critic around here! Your like, taking his job!




I thought it looked pretty cool...then again, I'm no sig maker so I can't say stuff like "The render sucks, etc. ect." because I don't even know what a render might be. I'd say a 7/10.
Dude. We aren't (Wow did I just dude?

:p )

We are just stating our oppinions. It really isn't that great.
Xemnas said:
Guys, XGT is the only critic around here! Your like, taking his job!




I thought it looked pretty cool...then again, I'm no sig maker so I can't say stuff like "The render sucks, etc. ect." because I don't even know what a render might be. I'd say a 7/10.
Domo arigato, Mr. Xemnas.
Shadow_] [quote="Xemnas said:
Guys, XGT is the only critic around here! Your like, taking his job! :p :p


I thought it looked pretty cool...then again, I'm no sig maker so I can't say stuff like "The render sucks, etc. ect." because I don't even know what a render might be. I'd say a 7/10.
Domo arigato, Mr. Xemnas. [/quote]
Shouldn't it be
"Domo Oringato Mr. Xemnaso?
Jeez jeez jeez, Ok for future reference to everyone here at TBT, when I use this smiley "

:p " it means that I'm just joking around. It's like "jk" in smiley form.
Xemnas said:
Jeez jeez jeez, Ok for future reference to everyone here at TBT, when I use this smiley "

:p " it means that I'm just joking around. It's like "jk" in smiley form.
Not really... "

:p " kinda means something is humorous...just a little though, not jk...
PKMNMasterSamus said:
Xemnas said:
Jeez jeez jeez, Ok for future reference to everyone here at TBT, when I use this smiley "

:p " it means that I'm just joking around. It's like "jk" in smiley form.
Not really... "

:p " kinda means something is humorous...just a little though, not jk...
Well, when I use it, it means Jk.

Eh...if I HAD to choose I'd pick the bottom one.
The render really does stink...
Sorry though...
But good for the first try!!