My turn...
I personally don't know much about the sage-staff relations, so I might not know what I'm talking about here...
But, I do know that TBT wasn't meant to cause stress or arguements in any way.
Why did we come here in the first place? Was it really because we wanted to become sages or staff members? Or was it to talk and have good conversations over something we all enjoy?
Think about it, please, does it really matter if one of us is higher "rank" then the other? Not really.
Forums were invented to have conversation. Thats all. I'm sure ranks didn't come along for a while, actually. Theres no reason for anyone to think the sage or staff or anyone else is better than you. Both the sages and the staff have strongly stated that many times.
Think back now, everyone. Do you like TBT better this way? With arguements flying around and such? Or do you prefer when everyone is in deep discussion and laughing and enjoying their time?
We can go back to that time.
These arguements are created because people are fighting for what they believe to be right, correct? Well, what does "being right" really get you? Less friends? More enemies? Already a few people have left because of all this. Being right isn't always the answer.
Whether we like it or not, however, its the Staff's decision. Please, people, if we could just bring ourselves let them go forth with this, the arguements and things will end.
I greatly enjoy TBT. Without it, well, things wouldn't be the same for me. I wish the best for it, and its people.