This is by far one of the best updates so far. The Sonic update was also up there, but I think this is even better. I'm pretty sure that you can send the coures to people on your friends list, that would be cool because it could get around and maybe thousands of people will use that course.
No, more like a actual mountian where you go to the top and fight other people to stay there. Not running to a area, commiting suicide, running back there, taking it over, and doing it again for 4 different places.
Besides, that formula was followed by games like WoW too. They call it 'Arathi Basin' though.
Kind of reminds me of once in Meelee, it was me, my neighbor, my sis, and my neighbor's brother, and we were playing in the one Metroid stage that spun. (Forget the name) And we fought over one of those little floating platforms the whole time. I won, obviously.
No, not like Forge, like the regular game variant editor; you choose game type, lives, weapons, gravity, stuff like that. Then you can change objectives, stuff like that. Then save it so you can choose it later.
No, not like Forge, like the regular game variant editor; you choose game type, lives, weapons, gravity, stuff like that. Then you can change objectives, stuff like that. Then save it so you can choose it later.