Stardew valley help!


。*・゜☆・ ゜✧・。 • ・
Jan 3, 2014
Blue Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Red Bunny Balloon
White Rose
Yellow Rose
Apple (Fruit)
Tricolored Puppy Plush
New Horizons Token
Hi I need help on stardew valley

How do you fish in the game? I?m new to the game + I got it on my Nintendo Switch
Is your question how to obtain the fishing rod, or how the fishing controls work?

You can buy a fishing rod on the second day of the game from Willy. You cast it into any body of water. I believe I found audio + vibration feedback the best indicator of when to begin reeling. Other than that, it's just the "keep the box in the right place" minigame which is tricky at first but easy enough to master.

Fishing before you have the first inventory expansion is a soul-crushing experience.
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Oh man, good luck. I play on PC and downloaded a mod to bypass fishing because it SUUUUUUUCKS.

I've never played on the switch, but I know the idea is to keep the fish icon in the bar of your fishing pole when you play the minigame. It can be pretty difficult, so I wouldn't freak out if you don't get it right away. You need kind of a learning curve to get it right. Or cheat, lol.
Well I don’t know how to doing fishing it’s all new to me
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I found this guide that goes a little bit more in depth with it. I can't really be specific since I've never played on the switch, but this does.

You might also want to check on youtube to get a better visual.
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I avoided fishing for the looooongest time, lol. But if you buy those cork bobbers (I think that's the right one), it slightly increases the size of the area you have to keep the fish inside for a successful catch. Plus once you level up in fishing, that also gives you a bigger "catch zone" to work with.
Fishing seems hard at first but I swear it’s super easy once you get used to it. With practice you will figure out that there’s a rhythm to pressing “A” to keep the green part on the fish. Once you learn that, you can kind of predict when to let go of A and when to mash it lol. My advice is to do as much fishing as you can in Spring Year 1 (on your spare time, since farming I think is still priority) because in my opinion the fish get harder each season, plus you’ll want the fish for the community center. Start off fishing in the lake near Robin’s house (the carpenter) because Carp’s are one of the easiest fish. If you really still hate fishing, once you hit level 3 you’ll be able to craft crab pots that also give you fishing skill when harvested. You can very slowly but effortlessly gain some fishing skill just by harvesting crab pots everyday.
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Oh man, good luck. I play on PC and downloaded a mod to bypass fishing because it SUUUUUUUCKS.

I've never played on the switch, but I know the idea is to keep the fish icon in the bar of your fishing pole when you play the minigame. It can be pretty difficult, so I wouldn't freak out if you don't get it right away. You need kind of a learning curve to get it right. Or cheat, lol.

Oh my god yes, PC was horrible with fishing so had to get a mod basically D:

Good luck though, it takes some time to master indeed.
Funny. I have Stardew on my pc and my friend has it on her PS4. Fishing seemed to be better much easier on the PC then it did on PS4. That or my friend SUCKKKED at fishing. Haha. I plan on buying it for the switch too because I wanna play it again but rather play it in a handheld version. Hopefully fishing isn't to hard for the switch.