Selling ♡ Stardust Nook Miles Store ♡ White Lighthouse, Pink Springy Horse and More!


Celeste stan account
Dec 29, 2018
New Horizons Token
Kirby Easter Egg
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
Famous Mushroom
Tasty Cake
Pumpkin Cupcake
Ancient Candle
100% (94) +
♡ Stardust Nook Miles Store ♡ White Lighthouse, Pink Springy Horse and More!

I thought I’d make a little thread for the Nook Miles items I have available on my island!

I have:

- white lighthouse
- pink and blue seat
- Black with patterns tea cup ride
- green vending machine
- pink springy horse
- blue cotton candy machine

I will accept any form of payment, but I am also interested in any pink cute series items, pink clothing or galaxy/astrology themed items as a trade c:

please bear in mind I don’t TT so items may not be available until day after ordering!

{currently working on:}

pink springy horse - secretlyenvious - have
white lighthouse - floralparadise
white lighthouse - itsylvie
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I’ll trade you a pastel cup for a pink springy horse and 2 nook tickets if that’s fair? I’ll be available to trade tmr after 3pdt!
hi! I have a pink cotton candy machine!! I'm not sure if you're interested in that :3 I am interested in a pink springy horse!
^ both of these sounds good to me! I need time to get the miles and order but I should be good to trade tomorrow <3
Updated my main post with more info! I’m available for any deliveries or pick ups now :)
would u take 2 nmt for the white lighthouse?
Hi!! Would you like a pink cute bed for your white lighthouse?
Hi! I would love if I could get a green vending machine, pink springy horse, and blue cotton candy stall. I can trade whatever you think is fair for them--I have a lot of IGB and nook miles tickets, and the full pink cute set!
Would you accept 2nmt and 500k for 2 of the pink and blue public bench? c:
I would be interested in:
white lighthouse
- pink and blue seat x2
- pink springy horse x2
- blue cotton candy machine

I can offer some of the cute furniture and a lot of igbs let me know what seems fair to you
hi everyone, I’m only just replying now due to the site being down! I’ll PM to sort out trades, if it takes time it’s because I don’t TT and can only handle a few orders at once - I hope this is okay!
Hi! I would like to get the pink & blue seat, please :) Of course I don't mind waiting!
I have plenty of cute and pink items, clothing, .. I also have a few of the pink Nook Miles items. Which ones are you still looking for?
hi everyone, I’m only just replying now due to the site being down! I’ll PM to sort out trades, if it takes time it’s because I don’t TT and can only handle a few orders at once - I hope this is okay!
That's totally fine with me!
hi there!!! i would like:

white lighthouse
- pink and blue seat x2
- pink springy horse x2

let me know what you'd like in a combination of igb / nmt and/or hybrids if you'd like!
mostly trying to save as much igb i can, so hoping we can work something out! <3