Retired Staff
well, you'll wont lose then if you turn them off. Also i'm thinking about getting this game, should i?
YES!!!! Without doubts!BASTOISE99 said:well, you'll wont lose then if you turn them off. Also i'm thinking about getting this game, should i?
The multiplayer is MIND-BLOWING, the singleplayer mode is short, but sweet, and it's got Xevious!BASTOISE99 said:why.
I will! Now, maybe my mom will buy it for her birthday (March 12)!SPORGE27 said:It is out now!!
Who thinks they are gonna buy it?
I am! as soon as I have time to buy and play it.
No, she's going to buy it FOR US on HER birthday to make us wait less! YAHOO!, I have a GREAT MOM!BASTOISE99 said:why would she buy it for herself?
Oh no, she likes "thinking" games (Zelda, Mario), not shoot-em-up games.BASTOISE99 said:I thought your mom was going to buy it for herself.
I like your icon, PIKMIN042. Same over here, And I have to pick either Star Fox Assault or Yoshi's Touch and Go for my birthday....PIKMIN042 said:I love how you can get out of teh Arwing in All-Range mode and shoot from the top of the Arwing. I like dive-bombing my friend from the highest point in the level with a Gatling Gun and blasting him to pieces.