Starting a New ACCF Town!


Frost Egg Collector
Mar 2, 2018
Throwback Tickets
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Red Pikmin Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Lily
Purple Violet
White Pansy
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
During Old School AC Week, I was reminded of how much I missed playing Animal Crossing: City Folk. Therefore I decided to start a new town. Surprisingly, it took only 2 or 3 tries to find this map. I was prepared to spend hours resetting for a good map so this was a pleasant surprise.


As you can see, the most striking feature of this map is how the rivers diverge in the bottom layer. I was specifically looking for this because it's one of the reasons I prefer City Folk maps to New Leaf maps. Having 4 bridges will also be a nice bonus. I don't know where the game is going to put the 4th bridge (it gives you 2 different options) so seeing that should be interesting. The only thing I don't like is the Town Hall placement. I would have preferred to have it in the bottom layer but I'm sure I can make this placement work.

I decided to choose the house closest to the river island which is shown in orange on the map. I am still thinking of what to do with the other 3 houses. I am considering turning the one closest to the beach into a naval museum.


I was also lucky enough to get this feature to spawn. This version of river mouth is fairly rare and is prized for its unique shape. I am pretty sure this is where the lighthouse will end up spawning, so that will look very nice next to Nookington's.


This town gate is my least favorite out of the three, but it's still a decent building. Definitely not a dealbreaker for this town.


The first fish I ever caught in this town.


It shall receive a permanent home in the museum.


Here it is swimming around in its new enclosure.

I would have liked to take screenshots but unfortunately my Wii does not like the SD card I put in it. This camera will have to do. I don't plan on making this a regular thing. I just thought it would be fun to document the beginning of my town, especially since TBT is partly responsible for its creation in the first place.
Cool, I had a City Folk map that looked just like yours. I still have memories of enjoying the town with the likes of Bella, Olivia, Cookie, Nate, Roscoe, and Cousteau. I remember chatting with them... taking care of them when they were sick... finding their key for them EVERY FREAKING DAY...
By the way... If you look closely at the green surrounded by he river it almost resembles Louisiana, doesn't it?
Nox;bt17317 said:
Cool, I had a City Folk map that looked just like yours. I still have memories of enjoying the town with the likes of Bella, Olivia, Cookie, Nate, Roscoe, and Cousteau. I remember chatting with them... taking care of them when they were sick... finding their key for them EVERY FREAKING DAY...
By the way... If you look closely at the green surrounded by he river it almost resembles Louisiana, doesn't it?
Oh, it does look a lot like Louisiana now that you mention it. I didn't notice that at first.