Stephen Hillenburg, creator of Spongebob, is dead


- Gone -
Jul 17, 2015
Stephen Hillenburg, better known as the creator of Spongebob SquarePants, passed
away today. He was only 57 years old and died from ALS.

I'm very sad about these news. Spongebob is one of my favorite cartoon shows and
was also a big part of my childhood. I still enjoy watching it. Besides, 57 is way too
young. He's was such a amazing talent.

RIP, Stephen. Thank you for all. <3
RIP. :(

Spongebob was also a big part of my childhood and to this day I still quote some of my favorite episodes (most notably "soiled it!" and "is mayonnaise an instrument?"). I still like Spongebob memes too; they also help the series live on imo. Also, I had no idea he had ALS. Hoping his family, friends, and others who knew him/are fans of his work are able to heal from this.
They made something that made a lot of people laugh and smile, I thank them for all the time they put into it. Hopefully it remains in their image.
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Man Spongebob was such a great impact in my childhood, always comforting me with the entertainment from it...

May he rest in peace. :(
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Noooooo! Right when the show was getting back on its feet... Rip to such an amazing man.
I'm genuinely in shock right now. RIP Stephen. Thanks for the smiles
Oh wow. Spongebob was genuinely one of my favorite shows as a kid, and I still appreciate it today. RIP, thanks for all the childhood memories. :(
Aww, Spongebob was my childhood... Hope Mr. Hillenburg is doing well wherever he is now :( what a mess this year has been
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i'm... wow.

where do i even begin? i'm shocked.

Spongebob was a huge part of my childhood, as it was for many others. i'm saddened by this news, but at least he's no longer suffering from his disease. as much as i hate to say it, i'm glad he's not suffering anymore. that's all that really matters. rest in peace sweet man- thank you for the memories. <33 you will be remembered by many.
Thats sad I was not huge on sponge bob but my boyfriend is I?m going to tell him when he wakes up. Also 57 is young to die.
I haven't watched the show in years, but Spongebob was a big part of my childhood. Rest in peace to Mr. Hillenburg and thank you for the memories.
It makes me so upset because Spongebob has been one of my absolute favorite TV shows for as long as I can remember (the show premiered a month before I was born). But I know that he has been dealing with complications of ALS for years, and it's sobering to think that he's no longer in pain. He'll certainly never be forgotten; he created a legend. Hell he himself was a legend.

I wonder what they're gonna do with the show after this. I know a source mentioned something about a 12th season and a 3rd movie slated for 2020.
I honestly am very much caught off guard by this. I haven't watched SpongeBob in years, but it was literally everything I watched during my childhood up until 2011.
R.I.P. Stephen. Spongebob was my childhood. It was my first word, for crying out loud. I can quote so many episodes from the first few seasons and so many lines from the first movie. That man shaped a generation with that show and I'm gonna miss him. <3
He was a great man who gave a lot of people a great childhood growing up with his works. ALS is a terrible disease that affects so many. May he Rest In Peace.

Rest in peace.
Spongebob was something nearly anyone could bond over, all thanks to this man. Rest in peace.

"You never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory" – Spongebob
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