Stop Resettin' here!!!

this is the worst thing to ever happen to the forum.

welcome (hopefully you dont stay long)
Ok, come on, can I stop typing like Resetti for a while? I mean, hey, it's just a joke. You can talk me like a person and I will reply like a person. If you talk to me with "resets" and "putting me into a cage" or something like that, I will reply as Resetti... MAD.

BTW, I'm not a "Bacon Boy". Y' know, I just liek Resetti. And now...


(Uh, and... I WILL stay long. At least, I hope)
You weren't even here when it happened, so you wouldn't even understand.
Ressti guy asked what a happymasksalesman is, BBG simply told him who it was. BBG never implied that he knew about the TBT forum user.

@Bacon boy nonononononon haha didn't he make 2 parody accounts?