Story game

MC: ACCF Character

One day a short girl lived in a poor town.
Here family died of starvation so she moved to a town called "City Folk Town"
She bought a bad house from a raccoon and then noticed all of the towns folk were animals.
The girl was allergic to animals and died, the end!
coffeebean! said:
(muahahahaha first of all, you spelled said wrong. hahahaha xD And second of all....coffeebean! is a girl.....)

MC: your dad

One day your dad was playing golf
a monkey came over and pooped on his head
your dad ran off to get the monkey
and your dad was not watching where he went
and accidently fell into the arctic ocean.
1 day poo took a poo and made more poo which made more poo which made More poo and so on the end

MC: santa claus

one day santa was watching the news
he heard there was a ressesion in the us
if we're in a ressession, then so is he
no presents for christmas!
all the kids went rabid, and put rat posining in his cookies
then they went to the north pole
and jumped him, his reindeers, and his elf.

mc: coffeebean!
coffeebean! met cryindarkness on tbt
cryindarkness felt sarced cuz coffeebean! was a stalker
coffeebean! then moved on to stalking bacon boy
o_O you forgot mega...xDDDDDDDDDDDDD


one day cryindarkness was watching kill bill
suddenly some chinese girl got her head sliced from a sword
cryindarkness laughed at that hahahahaha
the next day cryindarkness was preparing breakfast....toast
she was turning around when unexpectedly toast came out of the toaster
she shrieked so loud, she couldn't talk for 5 days......D:

mc: coffeebean!
coffeebean! went to brewsters for coffee
he asked 200 for bells,
she screamed and suck her self in the coffe maker
brewster blended her and now serves everyone coffeebean! thats were the fancy taste comes from.
LMFAO you got that right. nothing better than freshly brewed coffeebean! at 10 bells.. hehehe

one day coffeebean! was being served to cryindarkness
all of a sudden coffeebean! came out of no where without eyes
'hehehe' it wasn't really me i stuck in there, but my eyeballs
tasty, huh?
cryindarkness then committed suicide, and the eyeless coffeebean! couldn't play w/ her in the game room anymo. D:
mc: coffeebean!
after cryindarkness was gone
coffeebean! lived a sad and lonely life with out her toaster screaming friend
coffeebean! then jumped of a cliff
and everyone was happy
(hahahaha xDDD you wish)

MC: dude with a potato

one day there was a dude with a potato
he didn't last long.....
nuff said

the end
MC: lime

one day a lime met a coconut
they mixed together
and created the all-time best shampoo
and song

the end. ;)

one day bob was going to da bathroom and he accdently pooped out his brain da end
MC: hp laptop

one day coffeebean! bought hp laptop.
Her dad didn't buy the insurance *big mistake*
A year later the hp laptop's mother board crashed
now the hp laptop is sitting like a dead corpse in coffeebean's! closet
god knows when they'll bury hp laptop.....
what a waste of a good grand....Dx

The end
1 day goomba came and shot mario in the head and then he heard a voice said
mc: baconboy
one day baconboy got made fun of cuz of his name
so he came to his friend cryindarkness
cryindarkness laughed and laughed and asked if he was a boy made of bacon
baconboy was sad
now he hates his username
The End.