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Strange New World


Pokemon Professor
Aug 3, 2015
Throwback Tickets
The war is finally over. There can finally be peace.

Four doesn't know life without war. It started in his grandfather's youth. Since then, there has been destruction, fear and madness. But now, there is quiet. There is a chance for life.

One controversial byproduct of the war is a rise in animal intelligence. It started off as an experiment to create more soldiers. Humans were dying too fast, and the United States was running out of soldiers. They tried experimenting on animals to make them intelligent enough to take orders and use weapons. It worked... for a while. Then the animals became aware enough to realize how pointless the endless war was.

They were smarter than the humans that created them.

The animals refused to fight, leaving the humans to kill each other. War waged on, bombs flied, nuclear and biochemical weapons changed the world and its inhabitants forever. Four remembered his grandfather telling him that "one day, we will be blasted back into the stone age." And in a way, Four thinks that came true. The Earth was scorched black. Everything was dead. Everywhere was a wasteland. Everywhere, that is, except for the areas under the protection of the animals.

The animals are very kind to the small remaining human population. They have invited any human that proves themselves peaceful to live in the animal lands. Four immediately knew that he had to live in one of these areas. For the first time in his life, there was a chance for him to live in peace. Without the fear of dying, or having to kill. He could blend in to the background of one of these villages and live a normal life.

Or so he thought. He was granted entrance into the village known as Oceania. He went in with empty pockets, but his heart filled with hope... only to be ambushed when he got of the train. At first he thought there had been a mix-up. That the animals had changed their minds, and where going to cast him out back into the wasteland created by the humans. But the truth was less deadly, yet more surprising.

The animals were looking for a new leader. For some reason, they thought that Four was here to fill that position. He tried to talk his way out of it. He had no leadership skills. He was a soldier. He took orders. And now he just wanted to live a quiet life. But the animals weren't listening to him. He was made their mayor. Now, Four sees this as an opportunity. He can rebuild what the humans destroyed. He can give the animals a reason to trust humans again. He can make this little village as great as it was before the war.

In this strange new world, Four can be free.