Hi, fellow Animal Crossers!
I've seen a lot of people struggling with this, and since there's only one day left, I wanted to make as easy and painless as possible.
Follow my guide below, and you'll get your fish with minimal effort, though it can still take a little time.
Stringfish -
Go to your ABD machine and get a Nook Miles ticket and, after 4 pm local time, travel to a deserted island via your local airport.
What data I've seen so far indicates the stringfish spawns after 4 pm. I wouldn't travel to the island before that in case it can impact the spawn formulas for the island.
NOTE: You may need to do this a few times to get the right sort of island. All you need is a deserted island with a cliff and water on that level as the stringfish only spawns in water that's cliff height.
What's unique about the deserted islands are their very high respawn rates as well as the ability of spawn to occur while you're very close to a location. These two factors are essential.
I've gone to enough deserted islands to find some patterns. The pictures I'm sharing are from a deserted island type I've seen spawn a few times.
Now, you don't need to go down and clear everything before coming up here. If it makes you more comfortable, go ahead and start at the sea and remove the fish present by running/slamming your net into the water/fishing them up.
You NEVER need to go down off the cliff once you're up there. If you do get fish spawning below the waterfall, feel free to fish them up, but again, this isn't necessary to this method. The radius away from the player that fish can spawn is tiny, as the next pictures illustrate.
Now, once you're at your cliff-height water source, presuming it's empty, step as far away from it as you can without leaving the cliff. Like so:
This small distance away from the water is enough for spawning to occur.
Now set your controllers down and do something else for a little bit. Maybe 30 seconds, perhaps a minute.
Walk, don't run (scares the fish) back over to the water. You'll usually have fish spawned in. If they aren't the right size, run or net-scare them away, fish them up, whatever. For speed, I'd run or smack the water with the net.
What is the right size? This image shows you that:
That is my actual catch for this guide still in the water, successful lure in the air, so I'm sure it's a stringfish.
This is a straightforward and reproducible method to catch stringfish. This is my 2nd catch as I wanted to test the guide.
Good fishing, fellows! Please give this a like and a bump when you get yours!
I've seen a lot of people struggling with this, and since there's only one day left, I wanted to make as easy and painless as possible.
Follow my guide below, and you'll get your fish with minimal effort, though it can still take a little time.
Stringfish -
Go to your ABD machine and get a Nook Miles ticket and, after 4 pm local time, travel to a deserted island via your local airport.
What data I've seen so far indicates the stringfish spawns after 4 pm. I wouldn't travel to the island before that in case it can impact the spawn formulas for the island.
NOTE: You may need to do this a few times to get the right sort of island. All you need is a deserted island with a cliff and water on that level as the stringfish only spawns in water that's cliff height.
What's unique about the deserted islands are their very high respawn rates as well as the ability of spawn to occur while you're very close to a location. These two factors are essential.
I've gone to enough deserted islands to find some patterns. The pictures I'm sharing are from a deserted island type I've seen spawn a few times.
Now, you don't need to go down and clear everything before coming up here. If it makes you more comfortable, go ahead and start at the sea and remove the fish present by running/slamming your net into the water/fishing them up.
You NEVER need to go down off the cliff once you're up there. If you do get fish spawning below the waterfall, feel free to fish them up, but again, this isn't necessary to this method. The radius away from the player that fish can spawn is tiny, as the next pictures illustrate.
Now, once you're at your cliff-height water source, presuming it's empty, step as far away from it as you can without leaving the cliff. Like so:
This small distance away from the water is enough for spawning to occur.
Now set your controllers down and do something else for a little bit. Maybe 30 seconds, perhaps a minute.
Walk, don't run (scares the fish) back over to the water. You'll usually have fish spawned in. If they aren't the right size, run or net-scare them away, fish them up, whatever. For speed, I'd run or smack the water with the net.
What is the right size? This image shows you that:
That is my actual catch for this guide still in the water, successful lure in the air, so I'm sure it's a stringfish.
This is a straightforward and reproducible method to catch stringfish. This is my 2nd catch as I wanted to test the guide.
Good fishing, fellows! Please give this a like and a bump when you get yours!