Stupid question time


It's gonna be a great giorno!
Feb 2, 2009
Ok so I have a dumb question. I see pictures all the time of people admiring the northern lights in their town.... Is there a specific date that these appear? Or is it random like the Meteor showers?
I think it might be random.. I don't know...

Oh wait! I'll google it! xD
Random. My friend tried to TT to my meteor shower. Didn't work. So Yeah random days.
Are there times of the year it will most likely happen on? Like in winter?
I don't think so. I think it just happens randomly every month. I guess. If not. then i can't tell.
Hmm so in theory if I TT'd day by day in a month at night, I should see the northern lights in the sky?
Well it occurs like every 1 ,2,or 3 months. so i don't think you'll be getting it this month. Maybe next month. If this is correct. + if you tt everyday. It'll take long XD+ your town hall notice board thingy might say it. And yes i guess. I can't tell if im correct or not. Try asking a admin or mod.
Winter is when I thought it would happen because of when the northern lights really happen
Yeah in winter I got a lot of them.
So if you wanted a picture of you with them you'd probably have to TT...
In winter on sunny days - your neighbors will say things like "Wow, it sure is clear out today, I wonder if we're in for a show tonight?" And then I think it's after 10:00 PM.