SU fans?


Apollo best girl
Nov 8, 2016
User Title Color Change (Seashells)
is anyone here steven universe fans if so whos your favorite character and what's your favorite SU song
my favorite character is blue diamond and my favorite song from the show is escapism
^ Agreed. The show had a lot of potential. And then inconsistent hiatuses happened way too frequently. Add that to the fact that the creators decided to taunt an overarching plot and then rip the rug underneath of us with ten filler episodes about some random nobody like Lars (why should we care about this jerk?) without any mention or nod of the serious plot at hand.

Like Peridot started to freak out about the cluster being born or whatever and how it would rip the Earth in half. That's serious stuff there. And instead of acting like it's a serious situation, we get a ton of goofy filler in place until they decide to go back to it.

The filler episodes should had been used in place of the hiatus. Instead they introduced filler after a long hiatus. They lost me after the cluster ordeal was taken care of. I just lost interest. Then I learned by reading that Rose is actually one of the diamonds?

Like how screwed up is it that she pitted the two sides unwittingly against each other simply so she could be a carefree brat. She messed with both sides loyalty and left a ton of her people to die. And we're supposed to care for her why?
I started watching it recently and it's good and all but apparently there are hiatuses that last way too long.

Also most of the fandom (much like others) is... really bad.

I guess my favorite character from episodes I've seen so far is... Pearl.
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That to. The fact that a huge following of the fandom egged a girl to almost commit suicide because she drew a character (Rose) as skinnier then she actually is, is so messed up. And they celebrated the fact that they thought they brought her to the point of suicide.

Like how is this the right message for a show that is supposed to be about free love to all?
It's been a long while since I watched that show. I don't think the show was handled well if we're talking about filler episodes. Like, you'd have a serious plot and then out of nowhere, we get chucked with a filler where Steven and the crystal gems play baseball. What?

The fandom is horrible too. Not digging very deep to see the mess.
I love this show so much, favorite character is amethyst and favorite song is Peace and Love on the Planet Earth

Like how screwed up is it that she pitted the two sides unwittingly against each other simply so she could be a carefree brat. She messed with both sides loyalty and left a ton of her people to die. And we're supposed to care for her why?

This is actually are really prominent theme being explored through the narrative eyes of Steven, I actually like knowing that she messed up by creating the rebellion. Pink was the child of the diamonds and her "rebellion" and messing is a parallel to real life teenage rebellion, so I think people care for her because she is kinda relatable

Edit: One thing I don't care for is how the show's style changed. Like the art is still pretty good, but the colors used to follow a pallet in all of their scenes in season 2 and some season 3. Also the show used to be really heavy with its themes (Like On the Run when pearl and amethyst fought, or that episode when Steven almost died from aging into an old man) and the music was solemn and it was just like good, but now all the "heavy" themes feel so forced. Like the whole Jasper x Lapis complex and Lapis's depression and the proposal scenes were all good topics to cover, but their delivery was a little too tacky for me. Maybe it's because I'm too old now, but those older episodes were a lot better produced
I don't mind the wait for new episodes because im usually watching a whole bunch of other shows to fill in the su gaps.
I love Steven Universe! It's a great show. I watch every new episode together with my girlfriend.
I don't mind waiting for episodes.
I liked the show and think it has potential, the thing that's hindering it though? Rebecca Sugar. The characterisation is inconsistent, the writing is god awful, and the show hobbles itself so much with 'oh everyone is redeemable'

Steven Universe is often compared to Dragon Ball with this redeeming of villains, but the difference is, when Dragon Ball had a nazi space fascist .... They Killed him. They didn't make Freiza (basically sassy space hitler) a sympathetic character or give him some sob story to explain away killing his own people or just his chain of genocide.... they just killed him because he was a bad guy, and he was always going to be a bad guy. In Steven Universe the space fascists get forgiven, why? I couldn't tell you... something something women can't be evil is my guess. That or something something you're just as bad as the nazis if you kill them.

Steven Universe as a show just has some really bad **** in it that should never have made it on to tv. Like. Pearl and Rose is pretty ****ed when you realise they weren't gal pals having a good time, it was literally a slave and master relationship where the slave also has a genetic inability to disobey the master.... that's not romantic that's ****ed up, but it keeps getting pushed as great lgbtq representation, when no! That's just an abusive relationship!

Speaking of abusive relationships, Lapis Lazuli. Grrr. Lapis is such a mess of a character. Obviously abuse victims aren't just one dimensional people who simply never can abuse others, but Lapis seems to get a free pass from basically abusing Peridot because.... she's sad? Nah not good enough. Getting real sick of all the lesbians in this show being abusive.

And then let's get to Garnet. Garnet's pretty great actually, well, she's great the 1% of the time she's not just being relegated to info dumping about something. Garnet was great UNTIL it was revealed she was a fusion, and When Sapphire and Ruby are on screen they're literally the only halfway decent lgbtq reps in the damned show. Too bad they have to be hidden in an info dumping machine 99% of the time.

And jesus christ. Stevonnie, it wouldn't be a problem if the animators could just, not sexualise two children, but literally everytime they're on screen it's like the storyboarders are too busy wacking off to think about what they're actually making.

There's also some much weird racist **** in the show, and I don't mean like... small time racist **** I mean like .... when the white character fuses with the poc character it makes an elegant character, when the poc characters fuse together it makes literally a giant, ape monster voice acted by Nicki Minaj who has to be defeated by the white character to.... raise the white characters esteem? the **** am I watching here Sugar? Like I'm gonna guess reason Nicki didn't come back wasn't because of money, but because she never saw the episode before it aired, and DID NOT like what she saw. And good let's not even bother with Bismuth. I seriously feel like they had to retcon that **** with bring her back because they realised how bad it looked but. As the kids say, Yikes.

Basically? Steven Universe? It'd be good if it wasn't bad. That's the long and short of it.
Clearly I don't see things the way other people here do; I don't know, I just seem to like the show for what is! But whatevs.:)
I liked the show and think it has potential, the thing that's hindering it though? Rebecca Sugar. The characterisation is inconsistent, the writing is god awful, and the show hobbles itself so much with 'oh everyone is redeemable'

I would had probably explained more on my post, but I was afraid I'd just had killed the thread straight away, but yes to all of this. These are the exact issues I had with the show. Like I stopped watching SU a long time ago. But the way they handled Yellow Diamond in the beginning was great. She was the villain and played the part.

And then Rebecca Sugar decides to change that up. And I learned those episodes about Yellow were done by someone else? So Sugar scrapped it all for her own version.

And speaking of Pearl and Rose's relationship, which is really messed up, is no one going to touch Lapis and Peridots? Lapis is supposed to be the abused victim, but it feels like she is the abuser to Peridot. It just boggles the mind when the writer/creator doesn't see this stuff happening and especially annoying when the mass doesn't stop to go, 'wait a minute...'

And I think this all goes back to the awful hiatuses. Sugar and her crew were able to dish this stuff out without anyone asking questions because by the time the hiatus and fillers brought back the main plot, most forgot about messed up key plots like the above mentioned.

I also didn't care that Steven was always the focus. Like in the beginning it seemed fine, but it feels forced later on.

I also don't really buy that Rose/Pink Diamond was a teen nonsense. She is thousands of years old by the time the whole Earth colony thing comes around and even older during the rebellion. And yes teens do stupid stuff, but they usually don't equate to mass genocide.
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I also don't really buy that Rose/Pink Diamond was a teen nonsense. She is thousands of years old by the time the whole Earth colony thing comes around and even older during the rebellion. And yes teens do stupid stuff, but they usually don't equate to mass genocide.

I guess its your opinion but there actually is a whole episode explaining how Rose is immature even during the rebellion (and explains how the rebellion and the "genocide" came to be), and her being a characterized teenager or even younger has been shown in multiple episodes.

(Also why the hate on Rebecca Sugar :( Without her, there wouldn't even be a Steven universe to not produce correctly lol, and storyboarding on SU is collaborative so the issues aren't only her fault)
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My boyfriend showed me the first season before he had to move states, I don't wanna watch the rest without him, it'd bum me out lol. But what I've watched so far is very nice! And the art style is gorgeous <3
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention something. Sorry for posting the second time on this thread... There are a few episodes throughout the show where you could see that suspicious game console and two games made for it. Wanna guess? It's Zelda Wind Waker and Animal Crossing for the Gamecube! But you probably already knew that, right?
tbh i used to love su, but nowadays my interest it the show has been dwindling a whole lot. i still watch most of the new episodes that come out but i don't get as hyped for new episodes as i used to. /:

others here already hit the nail on the head with reasons as to why su doesn't feel as good as it used to be, but one of the things that bother me the most is how the humans have almost 0 dimension to their characters. (save for lars, sadie, connie and greg). they feel like cardboard cut outs yet the crewniverse keep shoving in boring filler with them like a whole episode of ronaldo pretending to be a gem and being a jerk to steven is going to make us care about him. that's just my humble opinion, tho.