Success - Diamond Preorder


Senior Member
Oct 6, 2005
So at about 6 I went to get my Diamond preorder and I got it. So I got this seperate thing with the stylus (which is cool) (I haven't tried it out yet :p), and then another little thing with the diamond preorder gift card type of card.
I pre-ordered both games, but I have yet to get both styli and the stylus holder.
Bulerias said:
I pre-ordered both games, but I have yet to get both styli and the stylus holder.
Should've gone to Target they give you stylus and preorder. I'll scan the things I got.


Top left is the preorder card, bottom left is the thing the stylus came in and the stylus is obvious to see.
I dont do preorders. I have some seriously freaky luck with game launches.
Wii? No preorder, got the first one.
Pokemon LG? I called to preorder, and they got them early, so they sold me one.

I'm going for the trifecta. If you can call 2 Pokemon games and a Wii the trifecta. If trifecta's a word.

You get the point. Probably.
Well I don't know abo0ut getting it at the store
Why not just buy it at the TBT store on the site! through amazon .com, and help support it!

Sporge27 said:
Well I don't know abo0ut getting it at the store
Why not just buy it at the TBT store on the site! through amazon .com, and help support it!

I would have, if the TBT store existed before I pre-ordered it.

Gengar said:
Sporge27 said:
Well I don't know abo0ut getting it at the store
Why not just buy it at the TBT store on the site! through amazon .com, and help support it!

I would have, if the TBT store existed before I pre-ordered it.

I won't unless they throw in cool stuff!