Suggestion relating to Collectibles


I Love Elephants!
Mar 16, 2016
New Horizons Token
Yellow Lily
Yellow Rose
Ancient Candle
Yellow Candy
January Birthstone (Garnet)
So, I am (sorta) new to the whole collectibles thing, but what I still find confusing is how stuff will show up in the lineup (I understand it is in date order, but I still cannot find any dates on the inventory page).

My suggestion is that somewhere on the inventory page there is either showed what they order looks like, or a preview button to see what the order looks like based on the with the current items selected.

Right now, I have to change the order, then hunt down a previous post to see what it currently looks like.

Anyways, do not know if this is the right place to post this, but just an idea I had.


--- Arbra
youre right, it is a bit of a pain. usually at least where you have multiples of an item, they are listed on the inventory page top to bottom from oldest to newest. and another way you could check dates instead of hunting down a post is viewing the shop tab on your profile to review what youve got displayed. (the post display doesnt show the date for instance where you purchased an item yourself)
Yeah, there's definitely a long list of improvements that could be made to that page. A far more realistic and minor tweak I'd like to get around to adding eventually is just displaying dates under the items on the page. Maybe gifter usernames as well.
Yeah, there's definitely a long list of improvements that could be made to that page. A far more realistic and minor tweak I'd like to get around to adding eventually is just displaying dates under the items on the page. Maybe gifter usernames as well.

Or add the ability to reorder collectibles.