Suggestion to Help Prevent Accidental Negative Wi-Fi Ratings


Sona's Boyfriend <3
May 25, 2015
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Every so often it seems like a user accidentally gives another user a negative wi-fi rating when their intentions were to give a positive wi-fi rating. Just last month, one user accidentally gave me a negative wi-fi rating and fortunately a moderator was able to help me resolve that problem.

I think that accidental wi-fi ratings are partially a result of the way wi-fi ratings can be selected. Currently the choice of wi-fi rating must be chosen through a drop-down menu:


I have noticed that when I am on a tablet that after I select a rating, it is rather easy to accidentally scroll from a positive wi-fi rating to a negative wi-fi rating when scrolling down the page to click "Submit Reply". Perhaps one way to reduce the number of accidental negative wi-fi ratings is to change from a drop-down menu to


which is much harder to accidentally give negative wi-fi ratings!
There is a 15 minute grace period (or near enough) to allow the sender to edit their rating. So unless the user goes straight offline once they send the rating, they can easily edit it themselves.
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There is a 15 minute grace period (or near enough) to allow the sender to edit their rating. So unless the user goes straight offline once they send the rating, they can easily edit it themselves.

I have heard of the grace period, but a lot of newer users aren't aware of it. The person who accidentally gave me a negative wi-fi feedback in the past wasn't aware xP. Overall though, I think this is a relatively simple change to make based on my minimal coding experience and I think it could reduce having moderators fix the mistakes ^^.
ya this is a good idea, but I also believe that the wifi ratings should automatically be set as "positive"

If people wanted to leave a negative rating, they would not forget, but leaving a positive one is basically 90% of the time, so it can be easily overlooked and messed up easily
ya this is a good idea, but I also believe that the wifi ratings should automatically be set as "positive"

If people wanted to leave a negative rating, they would not forget, but leaving a positive one is basically 90% of the time, so it can be easily overlooked and messed up easily

I agree with that too! I have probably left almost 100 wi-fi ratings so far and none have been negative but I have almost rated neutral/negative a couple of times.
Not exactly at the top of the list of priorities but some improvement in this regard, either Zandy's, Jacob's, or something else entirely could be good. Will put it on the potential to-do list!