🖼Suguri's Art and Other Junk (wowzers.)

Recently I decided to do something different and try a chibi art style. I was heavily inspired by @/rosetti 's @/Mistreil 's drawings BTW. Here's what it looks like:
BR20 Chibi.png

I think it's cute. Kinda generic, tho.

Maybe when I'm good enough, I'll host an art shop and draw BR20 Chibis of characters for forum bells. They'll be cheap because my art is too simplistic. Since I just started I need to practice more, so for now have these digital drawings of Sun & Cloud (by @/BTCircley) and Char (by @/ZeldaCrossing64) that I did as an exercise. More coming soon...?
Sun & Cloud.png
Here's a tiny art dump for today. No biggie.

This one's of Face Bob being disgusted over something. I bet it's fanfiction of Kieran with questionable content in it. I, uh, kinda copied that face from @/ZeldaCrossing64 . i'm sorry... (//w//) There seemed to be something about it that made me want to draw this, but I can't quite figure out what it is...

Oh, and here are some drawings by Zelda with the same expression for reference, LOL

It's all Char BTW. I actually drew a lot of them recently, but I don't feel inclined to share my new drawings yet. I'll wait till summer comes or I feel ready enough.

Kieran the cat is back and has bumped into PaRappa's #1 fan, Pandora Nyara! Pandora was created for a project my friend @/BTCircley has been working on for a while. However, he has yet to appear in the project itself because Circley's been really busy.

Speaking of Kieran the cat, I discovered my first drawing of him in my school binder! I believe this dates back to February to March. The other cat next to him with the red polka-dots is another OC I made, whose name is Crisp.

Yeah, that's all for now. It's pretty late where I'm living so I should sleep now. Good night!
I meant to post here when I first saw your recent drawings, but it must've slipped my mind. 😭 Love your drawings!! The last one with Kieran the cat and Crisp is so adorable, I wanna pet them both. (Now I'm tempted to draw them.) Also happy to know that you took inspiration from some of my drawings - That expression must be fun to draw! XD
Hi again! I did a whole lotta drawings between my last post and now. I'll have to split them into several posts to keep things organized and so I can recharge to upload more of my art when I feel like it. There's also going to be some older drawings too, so keep reading to see them. :D

Firstly, I should show off my newest drawings. I'll start with my current PFP and signature image! I have my icon set to Kieran the cat pondering about something. I was trying to whip up a drawing of him as soon as I noticed a certain friend change their icon, and this was all I could think of. The fact that my drawing shares many similarities with the fan art @/ZeldaCrossing64 drew for me a month ago is simply a coincidence.

And here's what I drew for Pride Month and am currently using in my signature: Crisp with a rainbow flag! When they changed their icon they also changed their signature, so of course I had to do the same thing. I couldn't help it! I might change the flag design next year once I discover my orientation. as of posting i'm convinced i may be omni, but am still in doubt atm

Speaking of Crisp, after I finished my Pride Month art I also did this drawing of her flinching. I was inspired by Zelda's comment on how Crisp "gives me 'easily flustered/startled' vibes". Not gonna lie, I knew that long before they did. You'll see what I mean later...
_easily flustered_startled_ vibes.png

After finishing up those two, I figured it was time to share my older Crisp drawings as well as doodles of her from school. I have previously posted the doodles in the Sketchbook thread, but I believe they'll be better preserved here. To make sure things don't get clogged up, I'll put the old drawings in spoiler tags.
FYI: I have this bad habit of forgetting to draw tails, which I'm trying to improve on. On the old drawings, I drew her from memory, which is why she looks slightly different in some of them.

Anyway, this is my first digital drawing of Crisp! Crisp pixels and all.
Old Crisp.png

Here's my second digital drawing, which is of Crisp introducing herself. Fun fact: I uploaded this drawing to DeviantArt, but it didn't get much flack. The description I put there is a pretty interesting read that explains a bit about the inspiration behind her. the fanfiction, however, is scrapped.
Introducing Crisp!.png

This is a Crisp doodle I found on one of my math worksheets. I like the pose I gave her. This was what I meant when I said that I had known about Crisp's "vibes" for a while.

Lastly, I have a crayon doodle from my science worksheet, starring not just Crisp, but also Kieran the cat Suguri! I wanted to give him a name at the time, so I went with "Suguri" for a while. But now that I'm using "Suguri" as my username, he's back to just "Kieran".

Wait a second...we're talking about Crisp here! Ah, well.
And this is my last Crisp drawing for this post! I used part of this Kieran fan art as a reference. The story behind it: As some of you may know, Char is one of my current fictional crushes. One time on Discord I was texting Zelda about how I wanted to hug their OC and Kieran (not the cat, the Pokemon character) super tight, and they were like, "aaa yeah me with Crisp 😭" Then a crazy thought came to me... What if Crisp and Char had feelings for each other? And so this drawing was born anewish.

While working on that, I was reminded of something I made for my friend a few weeks ago. They sent me this traditional version of a drawing with Char and Kieran that you can see in their art thread and I thought it was cute, so I tried drawing it in my style.

I'll end this with other doodles of my black cat character! or white... I didn't bother with coloring them in here. I drew him in his edgy or "Indigo Disk" appearance as a hot minute had passed since I last drew him like that. To be honest, I like his first version better, which I'll dub his "Teal Mask" appearance. I don't know why, but there's something off about the way I drew his second version... I do like the doodle I did where he's quoting the character that inspired him, though.

And I can't forget about "Teal Mask" Kieran the cat with the scar before his transition...

That should be it for today. Part 2 is coming soon!
I'm so, so happy to see more drawings of Crisp!! The one with her and Char in particular is my favorite, it's so cute. T0T Your drawings are fun and full of personality, as always. 💜
Ok... some news. I just changed the title of my art thread. It felt like the right thing to do since I saw it as a dumping ground for the junk I made and not just drawings. For reference, it used to say "Wowzers, an art thread by Suguri!"

Also, I keep reminding myself to upload my older doodles for the "Part 2" post I mentioned earlier, but right now I don't feel ready to make a big fat art dump yet. So instead, I'll put up my more recent ones, which I've wanted to show off for a while. and it's mostly Crisp because she's so precious ;-;

To start, here's her info if she were an AC villager, which I made up recently out of boredom! I don't plan on making her a fully-fledged villager OC since she's somewhat based on the Pokemon Scarlet MC (and she doesn't wear clothes).
Name: Crisp
costume1 (5).png

Personality: Peppy
Species: Cat
Birthday: May 22nd - Gemini
Catchphrase: "yeah-yeah"
Favorite K.K. Song: ???
Hobby: Music
Favorite Saying: "There's more than one way to feed a cat."

  • Although she was created in early 2024, I do not remember the exact date of her first appearance, so I settled with May 22nd since that was when I first shared her with the TBT community.
  • Her catchphrase is a reference to @/ZeldaCrossing64's user title when Crisp was set as their avatar. (reference) I wanted to use something else like "meowzers", but then I realized "yeah-yeah" suited her perfectly.
  • She is an avid music listener. She doesn't have a favorite K.K. song because her eclectic tastes make it hard for her to settle on the one she enjoys the most. Since Crisp is constantly discovering new songs though, she might find it eventually.
  • Copy-pasted from a Scratch project of mine: Crisp's spots around her body are colored scarlet as a reference to Pokemon Scarlet, which I own on my Switch, and her name comes from a scrapped Animal Crossing villager named Shaki; when translated from Japanese to English, "Crisp" or "Crispy" comes out. Coincidentally enough, "crisp" is also the cat villager Raymond's catchphrase.
Crisp has a ditzy and skittish personality. Her best friend is the more serious Kieran (the cat) and she has a crush on Char (an OC by @/ZeldaCrossing64).

And here's some stuff with her! Firstly, you may have noticed in my current signature image that Crisp is holding an omnisexual flag instead of a rainbow flag. That's because I'm pretty confident in my orientation now! I also really like the colors in the flag. 🩷🖤💙

Speaking of which, I pretty much drew these three when I was feeling smitten. The first one describes what love has felt like to me and it contains a French phrase that translates to "I love you, my darling". <3 The second one is more obvious. :3 The third one is a comic poking fun at the French masculine term "mon chéri(e)". I made it just before I realized "mon" was the wrong French pronoun for Crisp. T_T
ja t'aime, ma chéri.png
crisp being petted.png

Here's something I drew on my NH island's bulletin board. I honestly wish I had some kind of tablet pen I could use on my Switch instead of having to resort to my finger. At least it came out pretty decent.

I also drew this while visiting my friend's island prior. Very crude, if you ask me.

If the abundance of Crisp has begun to annoy you (which I'm sorry, not sorry about), you can have this other drawing. It's @/BTCircley's Sun & Cloud version of Scratch Cat, drawn in my art style! The original is here.
S&C Scratch Cat.png

Finally, I saved the best one for last... a 10-second short with my favorite kitty, inspired by System Of A Down's song "Chic 'N' Stu"! (just so you know, I am still not a metalhead.) It derives from another work, and you'll see what I mean once you click on the short's Scratch project link here.

That's it for now! I'll be back with more soon, as always. Old, new, whatever. If I want to share it, it'll go here. See you later!