* Summer Signature Competition 2011! *

Alright guys, I've gotten about 8 entries at the moment, But 4 (or 5 if Niko is able to come back from holiday on time) people still need to enter theirs. There include; Thunderstruck, rafren, Typhlosion and Nook. I will be PMing you guys, but i seriously need at least 2 more entries to get this competition going. Thanks.
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Alright guys, I've gotten about 8 entries at the moment, But 5 (or 6 if Niko is able to come back from holiday on time) people still need to enter theirs. There include; Thunderstruck, Spirit, rafren, Typhlosion and Nook. I will be PMing you guys, but i seriously need at least 2 more entries to get this competition going. Thanks.

Typical TBT, being unreliable.
Yeah, Thanks rafren. Now we have 9 people, I want at least 10 :)

Well I'm sure if anything, Thunder won't let you down.

...or you could always bug Nook for one of his 2 minute paint sigs ?_?
Well I'm sure if anything, Thunder won't let you down.

Dammit, I was gonna post here saying I probably wouldn't make it in time, but well.

Who am I to disappoint? *Rushes*

Edit: Alright, it's done.
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Thanks Thunder, Now we have 10 people finally! I'll start the competition officially around 6PM GMT