Sunrise or Sunset?

Sunrise or sunset?

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While I don't necessarily abhor sunrise, I can't say I adore it either.

Sunset is a thousand times better and more pleasant to view.
Sunset, because it's a relaxing time before the night. I prefer night to day. I live in a quiet neighborhood (at least in winter) people go home and stop making noises when it's sunset, I also have a better view on the West and can see the sun disappear behind the mountains.

Sunrise gives me anxiety, most of the time it tells me the night is over before I couldn't even sleep. It's time for the garbage trucks, snow trucks, bus, cars, students, crows, dogs, everybody is waking up and making noise.

If we are only talking about the aesthetic, sunrise is not bad, I don't really see the "sun" rises because the forest hides it, but I see a deep orange glow like if the forest was on fire (suddenly gives me anxiety...) but I prefer sunsets, I get a better range of colors.
Sunsets give me anxiety tbh. I've lived alone for majority of my post-grad and seeing the sun set makes me nervous. I hate the nighttime, my thoughts are clouded and I get really anxious and it's so hard to think straight because of all the darkness. Plus, post-grad is a constant hustle to keep myself afloat, and the sunset signalling that the day is over means I have even less time on my hands before I go to sleep, and sometimes I still have so much to do. Sunsets to me show how little time I have left with anything. It reminds me of the times my boyfriend had to leave me alone in my apartment again because he couldn't go home late. Sometimes I beg for him to stay just after sunset because I start crying. I don't know, sunsets get me really emotional in a negative way. Doesn't help too that some tombstones put birth and death as "sunrise and sunset". Sunsets are the end of times, and the thought scares me.

I usually don't catch sunrises, but when I do I feel very relieved. I love seeing the sunlight, I love the hope and joy it brings to me. I love hearing people wake up because it reminds me that I'm not really alone. I love that it tells me I have all the time of the day and that I shouldn't worry so much about everything. Sunrises give me clarity in my mind.

Sorry this got so emotional, I thought everyone was afraid of sunsets the way I was haha. I have no idea what to call my anxiety over sunsets, but yeah, here we are.
I'm glad there was a "don't make me choose" option, because I really like both! I rarely actually get to see the sunrise, though. 😅 But I really like how quiet and peaceful both times of day are. If I'm up to see the sunrise, I'll usually sit outside and enjoy the colors for a little while—occasionally I do the same thing with sunsets; I'll sit outside and watch the shadows change until the first stars start to come out. It's a nice time to listen to music, or just have some quiet time to myself and listen to nature.
I really like the phase that's just before dawn and just after sunset, when it's not quite dark out, but the trees are silhouetted and everything's tinted pale blue.
sunrise! i like sunsets too, but i like knowing i have day ahead of me so sunrises are nice. there’s also just not as many people up and moving, it’s just really nice and quiet. it’s also just a good start to the day, but i normally only think that if i voluntarily get up that early, if it’s for work im not interested lmao
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I think sunsets are very beautiful but in general I prefer the whole atmosphere of sunrises 🌅 . I love being up early before most people are and starting my day with a cup of coffee, and journaling then having a good breakfast. It’s just really peaceful. It’s especially nice when it’s cool out in the morning. Like in autumn or spring.
I prefer sunsets. I despise mornings with a passion. If I'm up early enough to see the sunrise, it is never by choice so I resent it. The sunrise signals the start of the day and people are waking up and making noise, going to work, starting on yard work, etc.

But when sunset comes, I know that I can finally have peace again. People go inside and the whole world becomes still. I can listen to the sounds of crickets and tree frogs. In the summer, there are fireflies. The colors of sunsets are so beautiful, too, with everything deepening into the rich blues and purples that I love.

The nighttime is my favorite time and the sunset is the beginning of that so it gives me calm, peaceful vibes while sunrises bring only the dread of the day to come.
Oh, it's a hard choice. I'm a morning person, so I want to say sunrise, but watching the sun set is also a really warm feeling. What I can say for sure is, driving towards both sunrises and sunsets are the worst. 🌄
I voted sunrise because it seems more rare to witness and it marks the start of a new day. And I say this as someone who is usually not a morning person
Sunset, there's something peaceful about seeing the daylight fade as nighttime takes over.
hoo boy, tough question lol. both make me happy and are beautiful in their own ways, but i think i prefer sunrises. i just love how golden they make the world seem. ☺️
I've only experienced the sun rising a few times, so for me it's a special event.