Shop Sun's Garden Centre ✿ ¦ For all your gardening needs

Mayor: Ponty
Town: Almonte
Friendcode: 2552-2379-5316
Interested in (max. 16 items): 5 Blue Hydrangeas
For a total of: 15 tbt

Mayor: Jack
Town: Tortue
Friendcode: In the sidebar
Interested in: Pink Azalea (23) = 3 BTB and White Azalea (26) = 3 BTB
For a total of: 101
Delivery c:

Oh and can I buy the dandelion puffs aswell? I saw that you had them in stock

- - - Post Merge - - -

And the Hydrangeas aswell

or is that too much?
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Delivery c:

Oh and can I buy the dandelion puffs aswell? I saw that you had them in stock

- - - Post Merge - - -

And the Hydrangeas aswell

or is that too much?

Certainly! That'd be an extra 20+27= 47 BTB.

Let me know when you've opened your gate :)