Shop Sun's Garden Centre ✿ ¦ For all your gardening needs

Mayor: st-tuper
Town: Baguio
Friendcode: 3454-3332-9577
Interested in: 12 pcs of Blue Roses
For a total of: 36tbt

Thank you for ordering.

When would you be able to trade? And do you prefer pick up or a delivery? :blush:

Hi! Pickup please; I can trade right now. And I noticed that your stock for white carnations is now 8 instead of 7; can I get the 8 for 24 tbt?

I apologize for constantly changing my order; it's just that I'm trying to buy as many white carnations as possible ^_^;
Hi! Pickup please; I can trade right now. And I noticed that your stock for white carnations is now 8 instead of 7; can I get the 8 for 24 tbt?

I apologize for constantly changing my order; it's just that I'm trying to buy as many white carnations as possible ^_^;

Of course, that is no problem.

I'm having someone over to adopt a villager right now, I'll await the bells and open up for you right after! :)
Mayor: Kaleigh
Town: Teraria
Friendcode: 4828-5660-9014
Interested in:
- All pink roses
- All purple roses
- 1 pink cosmo
- 3 black cosmos​
For a total of: 78 tbt
Mayor: Kaleigh
Town: Teraria
Friendcode: 4828-5660-9014
Interested in:
- All pink roses
- All purple roses
- 1 pink cosmo
- 3 black cosmos​
For a total of: 78 tbt


Thank you for ordering. That'd be 73 BTB, since the special on 25 hybrids :)

When would you be able to trade? And do you prefer pick up or a delivery? :blush:

Thank you for ordering. That'd be 73 BTB, since the special on 25 hybrids :)

When would you be able to trade? And do you prefer pick up or a delivery? :blush:

oh that's great! ill send tbt over now
i can trade now also c: delivery is better for me!
Mayor: Butter
Town: Milk
Friendcode: 5086-2498-7406
Interested in: 38 Holly Shoots
For a total of: 114 tbt
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