Shop Sun's Garden Centre ✿ ¦ For all your gardening needs


Thank you for ordering.

When would you be able to trade? And do you prefer pick up or a delivery? :blush:

I can trade now, delivery please c:

- - - Post Merge - - -

My town gate is open. Towb Solstice
Mayor: Ravi
Town: Konoha
Friendcode: 4382-2159-5805
Interested in:Hi! Could I get 10 saplings and 6 cedar saplings please!
For a total of: 36 tbt
Last edited:
Mayor: Ravi
Town: Konoha
Friendcode: 4382-2159-5805
Interested in:Hi! Could I get 10 saplings and 6 cedar saplings please!
For a total of: 36 tbt


Thank you for ordering. That'd be a total of 32 BTB :)

When would you be able to trade? And do you prefer pick up or a delivery? :blush:
Mayor: kaylee
Town: london
Friend code: <---
Interested in: 2 white azaleas and 3 pink!
For a total of: 15 tbt! :)
hello! im new to these forums so sorry if im a bit slow with these trades. i would love to purchase the blue roses if you have any left? thankyou!
hello! im new to these forums so sorry if im a bit slow with these trades. i would love to purchase the blue roses if you have any left? thankyou!


Welcome to the forums :)

Of course, I have 25 in stock at the moment. If you'd like all of them, it'd come down to 70 BTB.
thanks for getting back so quickly, that would be great id love all of them! should i just transfer the BTB to you now? :)
I think I just transferred the bells to you (hopefully :p) and whatever is easiest for you!!