Shop 🌸 SW/SH Shop (Legendaries | 6IV JPN Ditto | Shinies | Aprimons ) 🌸

Hi! Can I buy the 6IV JPN ditto for 500 please??


Trainer Name- Jordan
Buying- 6IV JPN ditto
Looking For/Requesting-
Pokerus? Y/N (Additional 50tbt charge) - no
TBT Offer/Total- 500

Sorry I’m dumb and skipped down to what you were selling >>

You definitely can! :3 And no need to be sorry hahaha! Let me know when you are free to trade! c:
I sent the TBT & I’m ready! It’s ok to just trade you anything yeah?

Perfect! My trainer name is Miharu. And yeah! Trade me anything cx
Going to set up the link code as 7746 (make sure to double trade the person you are trading with is Miharu) :3
Trainer Name- ava
Buying- 6iv ditto
Looking For/Requesting- //
Pokerus? Y/N (Additional 50tbt charge) - //
TBT Offer/Total- 500tbt
Trainer Name- ava
Buying- 6iv ditto
Looking For/Requesting- //
Pokerus? Y/N (Additional 50tbt charge) - //
TBT Offer/Total- 500tbt

Accepted!! <3 Did you want the ENG one? If you're looking for foreign I can look for someone to trade with for a foreign one for you!! :D
Accepted!! <3 Did you want the ENG one? If you're looking for foreign I can look for someone to trade with for a foreign one for you!! :D

yess that would be awesome!
i’ll be out for the rest of the day but if u can hold it for me i’ll add an additional 50tbt!!
yess that would be awesome!
i’ll be out for the rest of the day but if u can hold it for me i’ll add an additional 50tbt!!

Haha that's perfect! Might be a little while before I can find someone to trade another foreign one with so that gives me time! :3 I'll put one reserved for you <3 I'll let you know here once I've found a trader! cx
Haha that's perfect! Might be a little while before I can find someone to trade another foreign one with so that gives me time! :3 I'll put one reserved for you <3 I'll let you know here once I've found a trader! cx

check #ditto or #dittotrade on twitter!!
heaps of non- eng traders looking for eng ditto
check #ditto or #dittotrade on twitter!!
heaps of non- eng traders looking for eng ditto

Found a trader! I have your JPN Ditto 6IV ready for pick up whenever you are free c: Feel free to message me on discord if I don't respond fast here!
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Trainer Name- Dilly
Buying- 6IV Hatenna with HA
Looking For/Requesting- More perfect IVs (makes my competitive life easier)
Pokerus? Y/N (Additional 50tbt charge) - Yes~
TBT Offer/Total- 200
Trainer Name- Dilly
Buying- 6IV Hatenna with HA
Looking For/Requesting- More perfect IVs (makes my competitive life easier)
Pokerus? Y/N (Additional 50tbt charge) - Yes~
TBT Offer/Total- 200

Oh wait! Just realized you wanted 6IV with HA, sadly I only have it without HA Dx
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Oh I misread it, lmao! I don't mind either way, I'll take the one without it!
Free to trade right now!! I'll be trading you a dreepy with good stats (I'm swimming in them maybe it'll be useful for you)
Thank you so much! This Hatenna is gonna be so useful!! I'm sending over the TBT.