Shop 🌸 SW/SH Shop (Legendaries | 6IV JPN Ditto | Shinies | Aprimons ) 🌸

B]Trainer Name[/B]- Mark
Buying- Dream ball (HA) bold G Corsola; love ball (HA) G. Ponyta
Other Info-Taro Loaf#3478
TBT Offer/Total- 200 Bells
Breedject Freebie Choice (Check 4IV Breedject freebies section)-
Freebies? (Check freebies section for info)- its fine

Discord is best way to communicate with me because I'm having internet issues right now. Thanks.
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Trainer Name- kate
Buying- HA beast ball Farfetch'd,
Other Info- do you think that you could breed me a 6iv pokerus whiscash? ;0;
TBT Offer/Total- 50
Breedject Freebie Choice (Check 4IV Breedject freebies section)- fast ball rotom, please!
Freebies? (Check freebies section for info)-
Trainer Name- kate
Buying- HA beast ball Farfetch'd,
Other Info- do you think that you could breed me a 6iv pokerus whiscash? ;0;
TBT Offer/Total- 50
Breedject Freebie Choice (Check 4IV Breedject freebies section)- fast ball rotom, please!
Freebies? (Check freebies section for info)-

HI KATE!!! I'll dm you on discord once I have that farfetch'd breeded for you!!! <3 Have a ton of homework to day today, but I can breed tomorrow! As for whiscash, I can try! <3
ok tsym!!!!!!!

- - - Post Merge - - -

OH btw do you have one of farfetchd's leeks that raises their crit rate? if you do could I please buy one?
Trainer Name- Brew
Buying- Square Shiny GMAX 5IV Snorlax
Other Info- n/a
TBT Offer/Total- 449
Breedject Freebie Choice (Check 4IV Breedject freebies section)- n/a
Freebies? (Check freebies section for info)- n/a

I've sent you a friend request in discord (Gir#9322)
All orders are ready for pick up!~ :blush: Will be dming you guys on discord! Tysm! <3
Added some new mons in the 4IV breedjects and 5IV in stock section!~ :blush:

____5IVs In Stock____

** love ball Cleffa
HA beast ball Adamant Pawniard (with Eggmoves)
HA beast ball Falinks
HA dream ball Bold G. Corsola (with Eggmoves)
HA friend ball Eevee x2
HA friend bll Modest Lotad
HA love ball Bounsweet
HA love ball Jolly G. Ponyta
HA love ball Woobat
heavy ball Jolly Drilbur (with Eggmoves) | Ability Sandrush
love ball Timid Togepi |Ability: Serene Grace x2

____4IVs Breedjects____

** love ball Cleffa x2
HA beast ball Falinks
HA friend ball Eevee x2
HA friend ball Modest Lotad
HA heavy ball Jolly Drilbur x2 (with Eggmoves)
HA heavy ball Jolly Riolu (with Eggmoves) x2
HA love ball Bounsweet
HA love ball Toxel
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hello again <3<3

I have a primarina that needs to have the speed EV reset. I already gave it 19 berries so I believe it needs only 6ish more? Perhaps since its not a lot I could get a reduced price? :3
I also have an oranguru that will need to be leveled up from lv 1, but it isn't ready at this moment. (ill let you know)
Thanks! :)