Sweet or savoury 🍫🍟

I do like both but I prefer sweet even though it's too much sometimes and causes me pain.
I love chocolate..
i think i prefer savory snacks as well as u can eat more without feeling too heavy and sugared out.
sweet, easy! although if I have too much of one I always start to crave the other to balance it out
Savoury is the option for me. Most processed foods seem to have loads of sugar anyway so I might as well go for the option that gives me less of a feeling hungry or dentist visits.
I love more savoury snacks than sweet ones! I don't have too much of a sweet tooth but I don't mind eating some sweet snacks here and there.
Usually both cause who could deny a big bag of chips lol but I usually crave sweet, especially after meals.
It definitely depends on my mood, sometimes one sounds way better than the other or sometimes they both sound good
I like both, but if I have to pick one, I’ll always pick savoury. Savoury food is more satisfying to me.
Sweet or Savory? I like both. 🍫🤝🍟

Sweet are the giggles when you wake from your dream. 🤣
Sweeter than strawberries doused in whipped cream. 🍓
Sweet are the smiles when we talk about us. 🤭
Sweeter than kittens that are covered in fuzz. 🐱

Sweet is the color when you blush and turn red. 😊
Sweeter than chocolate Nutella on bread. 🌰
Sweet is the sound of the goodnights you "muah". 💋
Sweeter than macrons or je ne sais quoi. 🤷‍♀️

You're savory too when your forehead turns hot. 😡
Savory pretzels distorted in knot. 🥨
Your savory jokes that are rather obscene. 🙄
Savory cheese that is curdled and green. 🧀

Sugar and spice or the sour and sweet, 🍬
you're just the flavor I like in a treat. 😋
Kiss me goodnight, 😘
I'll have a bite, 💢
I'm only kidding, now please have a seat. 😉