Tanukki / TanukkiXD* / 7477-5992-4393 / tanukki
*Im assuming that the NNID is the one you linked to your Nintendo Account , but my Nintendo Account doesn't has any NNID linked so ill just use my Wii U one? is that okay?
its a great game, even if you just dp turf and single player its really fun.I only putted my code here so ppl would add me lol but is the game any good?
weird text?lythelys | turb0nerd | 5664 7001 1824 | MORI (((in weird text cause i must stand out :^) )))
himeki | EvvieTheEpicOne | 3182-3595-3423 | Hime
god my NNID is cursed :') my vms are always off but my pms are open if u want to arrange smth!! im new to splatoon tho so im pretty **** ATM :'D