Switch from Windmill to Lighthouse?

And plus he isn't a nice hacker he has threatened to mess up my town/disc at least three times... *cough* don't trust him *cough*
Mr_Hobo said:
Erin14 said:
sighs noobies this is coming from a pro hacker

lightsabers cannot mess your game up or leave virus the only way they can mess ur game up is only if u pass it down to other ppl and that person pass it down 2 somebody else and so on and so on.


Should i get a lightsaber from a hacker?

A:its up to you lightsabers cuts trees fast and acts like a golden axe.

Can a hacker visit my town?

A:if the hacker is nice and doesnt threaten you to cut down ur trees if u doesnt do this or that.

What can ruin my game?
2.Japeness apples
3.Hacked Pittfalls(very rare to find)
4.Anything that doesnt look commen

Whats hacked pittfalls?

A: hacked pittfalls is not really found that much iin accf only found if a hacker hates u really badly!!!! and he put a pittfall some where in ur town and u fall in it and ur game freezes and when u turn your game back on it says game disk courrpted.

How do i tell regular pittfalls from hacked ones

A: regular pittfalls have a ! sign on them and a hacked pitfall have a smileing face on it kind of yellowish idk i only saw one of these once.

When a hacker comes to your town follow him and if he dissapear its not from the lag its from him teleporting somewhere ur trees are so he can cut them down or destroy your town so if he/she teleports imeadety say "where are you" if they dont reply in at least 40seconds end the party and when they come back just say "sorry bad wifi" i hope now you know how some hackers but btw ima nice hacker belive me or not i only threaten when somebody threaten me. bye :)
If your a pro "hacker" is tell me what programs do you have to use to make your own HDLC? Oh yeah sorry to burst your feelings but hackers don't show off. It;s like in the military, they hack the bad guys but don't show off that they are.
oh ok well i have usb gecko and i use item tool to make/edit my own items like green lightsabers bloody axes and etc and blue link hats so would u lke 2 say sorry and take back what u just said?????