Pokémon Sword/Shield or Diamond/Pearl


Vasea Mayor, Zenda Islander and Borelia Villager.
Jul 3, 2015
Which one would you recommend me to buy?

Really not sure what to get.
Depends to be honest. If you've already played Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, I would go for Sword/Shield for a new experience. But if you haven't, then I would go for Diamond or Pearl.

(I'm also unsure if you're referring to Diamond and Pearl or the remakes, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl)
Oh, the remakes.

I never played Brilliant or Shining but still not sure if i should first try Sword or should go with Shining.
Oh, the remakes.

I never played Brilliant or Shining but still not sure if i should first try Sword or should go with Shining.

Have you played the original Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum (not the remakes)? Because if not, then BD/SP would be really good since they remain faithful to those and it's pretty fun. But if you have, then Sword/Shield would be better for multiple reasons, one being the new experience, and another one being the ability to catch mons that you can then transfer to future games (that are only obtainable in Sword/Shield).

Personally I would go for BD/SP because I'm biased towards those, but I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction here.
Sword and Shield. You get a good variety of Pokémon and its more fun, to be honest. BDSP is for nostalgia or if you havent played the Sinnoh games before
Sword/Shield. Sure I was sceptical to it first but it for sure didn't deserve all the graphics hate and stuff. There was no way they were gonna do BOTW and it's more interesting than BDSP for sure. I mean I was not a fan of the DLC release methods but at least you don't need full games for event Pokémon as BDSP pulled.
Sword/Shield, I'd say. I had a lot more fun with it, even if the main storyline was kinda meh (although these games aren't really praised for their stories, anyway). I still load it up from time to time, whereas I've almost entirely stopped playing BD, even though I've had it for much less time.
Only get the Sinnoh remakes if you haven't played the originals, otherwise, to me, they're a waste of money.
I would get Sword or Shield. There’s a lot more stuff to do in it and if you get the DLC, there’s even more Pokémon to catch. I thoroughly enjoyed playing my Pokémon Sword game and had a lot more fun with it than Pokémon Shining Pearl. 🙂