Mayor Name: Jazmin
Town Name: Crouton
FC: 3368-2479-3372
Item: Golden Axe, Golden Watering Can, Golden Shovel
Price: 500K for everything
Time Zone: EST
When can u trade: Any time between 11AM and 4PM tomorrow!
Great..i reserve them for u already...can u trade now or just tomorrow?
Yes I can now!
do you still have any golden cans available?
Mayor Name: melly
Town Name: rotledge
FC: 2148-8817-3154
Item: all your carnations and jacobs ladders
Price: 600k?
Time Zone: eastern
When can u trade: now - next 20 minutes
Mayor Name: melly
Town Name: rotledge
FC: 2148-8817-3154
Item: all your carnations and jacobs ladders
Price: 600k?
Time Zone: eastern
When can u trade: now - next 20 minutes
Mayor Name:
Town Name: TARDIS
FC: in my profile
Item: golden can
Price: 1.5 mil IGB?
Time Zone: PST
When can u trade: now or usually 9:30 PM PST
i ready now...coming pls open ur gate thx
- - - Post Merge - - - it for u i can trade 3mins later...can u wait ..(trading with other trader now.sorry)
sure! my town or yours?
i ready now...can i trade in ur town...coming ...thx
can I open in 10 mins? someone is dropping off cedars in my main town
ok..pls VM me when u ok^__^
ok! thank you so much
thanks for shopping ^__^