Gone until April 1st
Since I fully trained my Pok?mon team in Pok?mon Sword, I have became interested into battling other players in Pok?mon. I have six Pok?mon, all of them being Level 100 with maximum EVs and maximum IVs, none of them being the same type or from the same generation, and the whole team has moves from all 18 types. What they want more is to battle Pok?mon from other players. I don?t know what the best tag is for this thread, so I decided to label it a contest thread just for link battles.
As you battle me, I will update the table of all online battles I had with other members on this forum. This will include usernames, number of battles, number of wins, and number of losses.
In order to battle me, you must send me a PM that you would like to battle. I will provide a link code, as you must put down your trainer name, your trainer?s league card number, and when you are available. Right now, I?m available any time, but there will be a time I won?t be available. Pok?mon will be adjusted to Level 50 in our link battles, I battle in single battles, and everything is allowed. The only Pok?mon I will not allow are Pok?mon with illegitimate moves or abilities or Pok?mon with offensive or inappropriate nicknames.
Battle Statistics:
As you battle me, I will update the table of all online battles I had with other members on this forum. This will include usernames, number of battles, number of wins, and number of losses.
In order to battle me, you must send me a PM that you would like to battle. I will provide a link code, as you must put down your trainer name, your trainer?s league card number, and when you are available. Right now, I?m available any time, but there will be a time I won?t be available. Pok?mon will be adjusted to Level 50 in our link battles, I battle in single battles, and everything is allowed. The only Pok?mon I will not allow are Pok?mon with illegitimate moves or abilities or Pok?mon with offensive or inappropriate nicknames.
Battle Statistics:
User | Battles | Wins | Losses |
AlminTakuya | 1 | 1 | 0 |
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