Selling Tangy! (Still open!)

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Thanks~ Good luck twilight, I was considering bidding but I'm going to try and find lucky :D
If flea comes back online while I'm gone and Twi gets tangy, I can give her the money tomorrow.
Also up it to 3.7 mil because extra 500k yay
I AM HOME NOW and wow guys.
mellalovesnewleaf, were you bidding 3.7 for yourself or were you adding to Twilight Sparkle's bid?
naw i just wanted to make sure~ but i am going to close this now at Twi's bid. THROWS CONFETTI.
naw i just wanted to make sure~ but i am going to close this now at Twi's bid. THROWS CONFETTI.

Sorry for this being so darn confusing, but both Twi and I have Tangy now.
If MayorAvalon still wants her, I'll give her the 1.5mil ontop of whatever she can offer, ahah

- - - Post Merge - - -

So I think if Jess is still adding to her offer, it takes it up to like 3.something mil?
bidding is still on
as far as i know the HB is 2.3 mil (with Julia and Mella's contribution)
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