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JEREMIAH IN BOXES, current high bid is 20 TBT
"Think about it, man. Bull frog is only one letter away from blue frog."
? Picture quote, Animal Crossing: Wild World
Jeremiah (クワトロ, Quattro) is a blue frog villager that has a lazy personality. His name comes from the lyrics "Jeremiah was a bullfrog" in the song Joy to the World by Three Dog Night. As well as being featured in every Animal Crossing series game, he is also featured on the 'City Folk' official poster, running down a hill behind the City.
Jeremiah is a bull frog, with two large dark blue circles on his face: one on and around his right eye, and the other on his lower-left cheek and jaw. He also has a squiggly mouth, which makes his seem as though he is eating something (this relates to the traits of the lazy personality). His eyes are straight black lines, also his color scheme seems to be the inverted version of Hugh, also having the same personality. He initially wears the Sunset Top
Like most lazy villagers, Jeremiah loves to eat and sleep. He gets sad if the player reads his letters or hits him with a net, but is usually happy. Jeremiah won't get along with jock villagers since he hates exercising and eating healthy, while the jock villager loves to do that. He won't get along with snooty villagers either since he doesn't care about his appearance while snooty villagers do. He will also conflict with cranky villagers since he will offend them.
Jeremiah lives in a normal sized house which is furnished with items from the froggy set, including a froggy chair. If the player visits his house, he sometimes gives the froggy chair as a gift. His house also includes a Barbel Steed. He has a white boom box that plays K.K. Mambo.

"Think about it, man. Bull frog is only one letter away from blue frog."
? Picture quote, Animal Crossing: Wild World
Jeremiah (クワトロ, Quattro) is a blue frog villager that has a lazy personality. His name comes from the lyrics "Jeremiah was a bullfrog" in the song Joy to the World by Three Dog Night. As well as being featured in every Animal Crossing series game, he is also featured on the 'City Folk' official poster, running down a hill behind the City.
Jeremiah is a bull frog, with two large dark blue circles on his face: one on and around his right eye, and the other on his lower-left cheek and jaw. He also has a squiggly mouth, which makes his seem as though he is eating something (this relates to the traits of the lazy personality). His eyes are straight black lines, also his color scheme seems to be the inverted version of Hugh, also having the same personality. He initially wears the Sunset Top
Like most lazy villagers, Jeremiah loves to eat and sleep. He gets sad if the player reads his letters or hits him with a net, but is usually happy. Jeremiah won't get along with jock villagers since he hates exercising and eating healthy, while the jock villager loves to do that. He won't get along with snooty villagers either since he doesn't care about his appearance while snooty villagers do. He will also conflict with cranky villagers since he will offend them.
Jeremiah lives in a normal sized house which is furnished with items from the froggy set, including a froggy chair. If the player visits his house, he sometimes gives the froggy chair as a gift. His house also includes a Barbel Steed. He has a white boom box that plays K.K. Mambo.