Cycling TARDIS Cycling Town

JEREMIAH IN BOXES, current high bid is 20 TBT


"Think about it, man. Bull frog is only one letter away from blue frog."

? Picture quote, Animal Crossing: Wild World
Jeremiah (クワトロ, Quattro) is a blue frog villager that has a lazy personality. His name comes from the lyrics "Jeremiah was a bullfrog" in the song Joy to the World by Three Dog Night. As well as being featured in every Animal Crossing series game, he is also featured on the 'City Folk' official poster, running down a hill behind the City.


Jeremiah is a bull frog, with two large dark blue circles on his face: one on and around his right eye, and the other on his lower-left cheek and jaw. He also has a squiggly mouth, which makes his seem as though he is eating something (this relates to the traits of the lazy personality). His eyes are straight black lines, also his color scheme seems to be the inverted version of Hugh, also having the same personality. He initially wears the Sunset Top

Like most lazy villagers, Jeremiah loves to eat and sleep. He gets sad if the player reads his letters or hits him with a net, but is usually happy. Jeremiah won't get along with jock villagers since he hates exercising and eating healthy, while the jock villager loves to do that. He won't get along with snooty villagers either since he doesn't care about his appearance while snooty villagers do. He will also conflict with cranky villagers since he will offend them.


Jeremiah lives in a normal sized house which is furnished with items from the froggy set, including a froggy chair. If the player visits his house, he sometimes gives the froggy chair as a gift. His house also includes a Barbel Steed. He has a white boom box that plays K.K. Mambo.
thank you a lot for my dreamie jeremiah!! i cycled 16 to get him back so very happy it worked ^0^
MARSHAL IN BOXES, starting bid 100 TBT


Marshal (ジュン, Jun) is a smug squirrel villager in the Animal Crossing series. Marshal's first and only appearance is in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.


Marshal is an off-white squirrel with a choppy, brass-colored fringe. He also has pink blush-marks on his cheeks, a lavender inner-ear color, and brass swirls on each side of his tail. Marshal's eyes are black and arched with a set side-eye, and his mouth is down-turned. He initially wears a denim jacket.

Marshal has a smug personality. He will appear kind and gentlemanly when in conversation with the player. On numerous occasions, he will flirt with the player and admire them. Marshal will occasionally talk about being into niche hobbies, like being a train fanatic or collecting plastic bottle caps. He will be very interested in fashion and will mention it often in conversations and letters.


Marshal has numerous items from the Sloppy Series, along with a flat-screen TV, a coat hanger, and a washing machine. A Space K.K. album is on display on top of his table while Space K.K. also plays in his stereo. There's also a pop-up book on his table, a cactus next to his bed, a standing spotlight at the end of his bed, and an air conditioner on the wall. His wallpaper is a music-room wall, and his carpet is a cowhide rug.


Marshal is the middle child of his family.
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I would like to lurk for whitney ( as in could I get a pm if she's in boxes? )
HAZEL IN BOXES, Free to adopt

Hazel (アイリス, Iris) is an uchi squirrel villager in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Her name comes from hazelnut, a type of nut. A certain villager already had the name of Hazel, but due to Nintendo of America's localization error, this villager was given the name of Hazel. That villager was then renamed to Sally due to, yet another localization error on Nintendo of America's part. Not only that, but the new name given, Sally, was already owned by another villager too

Hazel's most distinct feature is her prominent unibrow, which is one of the things that make her resemble Lyman. She has light brown fur, with a patch of red on the top of her head, resembling thick bangs. Her paws are also red. She has light pink cheeks and her inner ears are bright blue. Her initial phrase references towards her unibrow.

Hazel is an uchi ("big sister") villager. She will have a tendency to be blunt with the player, teaching them how to "always win at fights" and ways to relax. She will also act like a caring big sister to the player once they become close friends. Hazel may get along with jock villagers who share her love of sports, and lazy villagers for how laid-back they are. However, she may conflict with snooty and cranky villagers, who spread rumors about others.


Hazel has K.K. Disco playing on her CD Player. She also has a hamster, which she will talk about occasionally during conversations. She has a few peices of the Patchwork furniture set, along with a Papa bear and a retro fridge.
HAZEL IN BOXES, Free to adopt

Hazel (アイリス, Iris) is an uchi squirrel villager in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Her name comes from hazelnut, a type of nut. A certain villager already had the name of Hazel, but due to Nintendo of America's localization error, this villager was given the name of Hazel. That villager was then renamed to Sally due to, yet another localization error on Nintendo of America's part. Not only that, but the new name given, Sally, was already owned by another villager too

Hazel's most distinct feature is her prominent unibrow, which is one of the things that make her resemble Lyman. She has light brown fur, with a patch of red on the top of her head, resembling thick bangs. Her paws are also red. She has light pink cheeks and her inner ears are bright blue. Her initial phrase references towards her unibrow.

Hazel is an uchi ("big sister") villager. She will have a tendency to be blunt with the player, teaching them how to "always win at fights" and ways to relax. She will also act like a caring big sister to the player once they become close friends. Hazel may get along with jock villagers who share her love of sports, and lazy villagers for how laid-back they are. However, she may conflict with snooty and cranky villagers, who spread rumors about others.


Hazel has K.K. Disco playing on her CD Player. She also has a hamster, which she will talk about occasionally during conversations. She has a few peices of the Patchwork furniture set, along with a Papa bear and a retro fridge.

i'd love to adopt Hazel if she's free!
KIKI IN BOXES, Starting bid is 50 TBT


"Good morning, kitty cat. What a lovely day!"

? Kiki, Animal Crossing: City Folk
"Hang in there, kiddo."

? Picture quote, Animal Crossing: Wild World
Kiki (キャビア, Caviar in Japanese, ?gata in Spanish) is a normal cat villager which has appeared in every Animal Crossing series game. Her name may come from Hayao Miyazaki's Kiki's Delivery Service, an anime film about a young witch-in-training named Kiki who has a black cat. Her Japanese name refers to Caviar, a fish egg delicacy that cats love.

Kiki may be a reference to the black cat, or it may come from the sound produced when saying "kittykitty" fast. Her quote on her picture in Animal Crossing: Wild World probably comes from the popular motivational poster of a cat hanging from a tree and saying "Hang in there.". Her New Leaf picture quote is akin to K.K. Slider's.


Kiki is a black cat with yellow eyes and black pupils. Her ears are bright magenta inside, and she has a pushed up, pudgy nose. She often wears an Argyle Knit which is red and green in a line of diamonds, knitted with golden yellow stitches across each diamond. The tips of her arms and legs are a darker black than the rest of her body. She has a red mouth with a pink tongue, and the bridge of her nose is gray.


Kiki has a normal personality. She is shy and caring, and may get upset easily. She is also cheerful and sweet. She wakes up at 5 AM like other normal villagers, and may appear inside of her house around mid-day. She will enjoy partaking in the usual hobbies: bug catching, fishing, fossil hunting, and the others. She usually goes to bed at about 1 AM. She may mention an unseen friend called Moppina, an imaginary friend which comes from her hygiene and cleanliness concerns. Kiki will get along well with peppy and jock villagers. She may become upset when talking to cranky and snooty villagers, due to their cruel nature which makes them appear rude when talking about other villagers.


Her house has a slight Western Theme, containing many items from these series of furniture such as the cactus, a cow skull, and other items. She also has items from the pine set. She has the Mod Wall and the Music Room Floor which is only available through Saharah. She also has K.K. Country playing in her house on her stereo.
I'll offer 50TBT for Kiki! ^.^ I have one spot open in my town. I'll let you know though that I have connection issues with some players so I may or may not be able to visit your town. (But hopefully I can!) ^.^

edit: never mind ninja'd haha

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I could do 300TBT I suppose. ^.^
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The game is afoot! Cry havoc, and let slip the TBT of war. Dialin' in 350 TBT for the kittycat. Big money, big prizes, I love it.