p e p p e r


Peanut (ももこ,, Momoko?) is a peppy squirrel villager in the Animal Crossing series. As a peppy villager, Peanut will appear friendly and hospitable towards the player, making it easy to befriend her. Her name comes from a type of food that squirrels tend to eat, the peanut.
Peanut is a pink squirrel with a purple stripe on her head bordered in white (almost like Filbert). She has large, chibi-styled eyes and a wide star smile (hence her pic quote). She has white and dark pink swirling stripes on her tail's sides, and dark pink paws and feet. Her petite ears are round and also a darker pink on the inside. She initially wears a Beatnik Shirt, which is horizontally striped magenta and dark chalky black.
Below is a brief description of the peppy personality. For more information, click here.
As a peppy villager, Peanut will rarely be seen in a bad mood unless somebody, including the player, angers or distresses her. She will get along with other villagers, making it easy to befriend her. She can easily get upset, but due to a short attention span she will forget ever having the conversation. Like all peppy villagers, she dreams of becoming famous in the future. Often, Peanut will talk about entering beauty pageants, and might ask the player to buy her a shirt that suits her style. She is one of the nicer animals in Animal Crossing games; if you talk to her enough and give her positive remarks about how she looks, or how nice she is, she will give the player her picture.
Peanut's house in City Folk
Peanut's house has a variety of colorful items in her house, including two Tall Droploids, a watermelon table, a blue dresser, a red armchair, a cream sofa and a green counter. In all the games she has K.K. Salsa. playing on a dice stereo. She always has a very fashionable house that nearly every player will admire. Her house is basically the same in Animal Crossing: Wild World.