TBT farming?

Posting well thought out comments. As TBT is awarded based on the length of the comment, actually having something to say and saying it is better for earning TBT than just spamming comments everywhere.

Alternately, selling things in the TBT marketplace.
As Quill has said, longer posts earn you more TBT (with a maximum of 10 TBT per post); so longer, more meaningful posts earn more TBT than spamming tons of small posts. If you make 10 long posts a day that earn 10 TBT each, you have 100 TBT just there alone from posting.

Also, selling in-game items for TBT is a good idea, but considering how the economy has changed so much on here over the year I've been here, I wouldn't suggest it as a main way of earning TBT. It takes from 30-60 minutes to farm 20 or so hybrids from TT-ing or earn 400k-500k from catching beetles on the island; if you were to spend that time posting on here, you'd likely earn way more than what you could earn from farming in-game and selling that stuff on here. If you want to earn TBT from in-game work, the best bet would be to buy stuff cheaply with IGB, and sell for TBT (best bet is to buy/resell stuff that's commonly sold, since some things are more popular than others and might not sell). Remember: 200k IGB = 1 TBT (because 20m IGB = 100 TBT), so you can easily make some profit if you know what you're doing.

The best way to earn tons of TBT besides posting, is buying/selling collectibles or art. If you're not artistically inclined like me, it means buying and selling collectibles. Always check the collectible price guide, and price accordingly, but always remember it's just a guide, not actual guidelines you have to follow. Buy low, sell high, slowly invest, and reap the rewards. Good luck!
Just as Lucanosa said, just commenting can earn you a whole bunch of tbt! Find a post where you can just talk with some people. You'll have a whole bunch of TBT in no time!
I sent a picture of my inner thigh to someone and made 100k
Make quality posts in those areas that give em out? Or sell/buy collectibles or villagers
Thanks everyone! I've been doing that and now I have almost 60 TBT again! Would've been nice to know that from the start :3
Yeah, just keep posting. Voting on polls and rating threads also give 0.2 Bells each.

I think Brewster's Cafe gives Bells so that might be a handy place to go.