TBT in the Villager Trading Plaza?


still pretty nooby
Jun 5, 2014
Yellow Candy
I see many posts in the Villager Trading Plaza asking for TBT instead of in-game bells, yet the Sticky made by Thunder specifically states the following: "If you are looking for TBT Bells, you must make your topic in the TBT Marketplace instead" But to be honest, who goes to the TBT Marketplace to buy villagers anyway? Even if there is a thread, they will rarely get a reply. I think there should be a Sub-Forum in the Trading Plaza that is specifically for TBT. This way, you can separate the IGB and TBT economy and make Villager Trading a lot easier! Does anyone agree? :eek:
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It's been under discussion for a while now. There may be some changes to this system in the near future.
i think alot of people disregard the whole tbt thing and post in the VTP looking for tbt anyways, i know i do :s
So few villagers are put up for sale in the TBT Marketplace that whenever I do see them in there it strikes me as out of place o.o
I mainly use the Villager Trading Plaza for getting tbt from selling/cycling villagers because that's where villager trades belong (in my opinion). When going to the tbt marketplace, I do not expect to find villagers at all.
I think separation is a good idea if your still able to see the villagers, some people can buy with TBT but need to sell for IGB, and are looking it would mostly fall into the TBT and be hard to see if your villager being sought is where and likely would be missed, but I guess it would be a double step process that way, or maybe there is a way to reorganize the trading plaza with tabs...maybe even separating cycling from the others as it is hard to see what's going on there each cycle thread is like it's own board to slog through for villagers usually already reserved. Just an opinion, I would have to think how it would actually be set up for all to be easier for everyone before putting a proposal first.

As far as trading TBT for villagers I didn't even know this was done elsewhere, and have been here near a year so if that says anything about the change, it is likely due.