Meet in Classic mode and reflect 10 projectiles, then defeat Ness.
Recruit in the Subspace Emissary
Play 5 versus matches and then defeat Ness.
Defeat in Classic mode
Recruit in the Subspace Emissary.
Play 10 versus matches and then defeat Marth.
Win Classic mode without using a continue, and then defeat Luigi.
Recruit in the Subspace Emissary.
Play 22 versus matches and then defeat Luigi.
Win the 100-man brawl, then defeat Falco.
Recruit in the Subspace Emissary.
Play 50 versus matches, then defeat Falco.
Captain Falcon:
Win Classic mode on Normal difficulty or greater in less than 12 minutes and then defeat Captain Falcon.
Play 70 versus matches and then defeat Captain Falcon.
Win Target Smash mode on all difficulty levels, then defeat Lucario.
Defeat in the Subspace Emissary with Meta Knight.
Play 100 versus matches, then defeat Lucario.
Play 15 matches on Shadow Moses Island, then defeat Snake.
Play 130 versus matches, then defeat Snake.
Collect 250 Trophies
Recruit R.O.B to your team in the Subspace Emissary.
Play 160 versus matches, then defeat R.O.B.
Win Classic mode on hard difficulty with ]you can't post twice answering the same question,sorry