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Mafia TBT Mafia [Game Over/Town Win]


meme dilettante
Mar 27, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Kirby Easter Egg
Famous Mushroom
The Bell Tree Fair 2016 Patch
Silver Trophy (Second Place)
Tasty Cake
Red Cosmos
The game is over! Town win.

TBT Mafia
Day 1 | Night 1
Day 2 | Night 2
Day 3 | Night 3
Day 4 | Night 4
Day 5 | Night 5
Day 6 | Night 6
Day 7 | Night 7
Day 8

Action and Vote list

Mafia Chat

Observer Chat

Voting Thread

Mafia is a game of the informed minority versus the uninformed majority. The objective of the game depends on whether you're a member of the Town, or the Mafia.
During the Day phase, players need to read each other's posts, analyse them, and then vote for who they want to lynch. Mafia members are also part of the town during the day and may manipulate the vote to their liking.
During the Night, the Mafia will strike back, murdering whoever they choose. Players with special roles will also be able to use their powers at night. If the Mafia at any time outnumber or equal the townspeople, they win. The town's goal is to lynch all the members of the Mafia before that happens.

The game is typically very active, and the thread can get big quickly. However, it is essential to read the thread to play the game. You should spend at least 15 minutes per day on the game, just to keep up with what's happening and to vote. Naturally, that won't be enough time to make detailed analyses of your own, but it will be enough for you to bandwagon. This is obviously not the recommended playstyle, and you will contribute far more to your team if you spend more time on the game.


Depending on how popular this becomes, I may have to limit signups to first come first serve.
  1. Lauren - Townie
  2. Justin Townie (Killed Night 3)
  3. Gandalf - Townie
  4. lynn105 Suicide Bomber (Lynched Day 5)
  5. kurolli Townie (Modkilled Day 2)
  6. FireNinja1 Mafia Underling (Lynched Day 7)
  7. iLoveYou Vigilante (Modkilled Night 1)
  8. MyLifeIsCake - Townie
  9. Mary Mafia Underling (Lynched Day 2)
  10. Thunder Townie (Killed Night 2)
  11. tsundere Townie (Killed Night 1)
  12. Hikari Detective (Killed Night 6)
  13. oath2order Townie (Killed Night 5)
  14. FoxWolf64 Townie (Lynched Day 3)
  15. TheCreeperHugz - Doctor
  16. BellBringerGreen Veteran (Killed Night 3)
  17. River Mafia Underling (Lynched Day 4)
  18. Prof Gallows - Mafia Rolebocker
  19. VillageDweller Vigilante (Killed Night 1)
  20. Kuma Townie (Modkilled Day 4)
  21. DeviousCrossing Townie (Modkilled Day 4)
  22. ACE Doctor (Lynched Day 1)
  23. 3DSfan134 Townie (Lynched Day 6)
  24. AndyB - Townie
  25. pallycake Townie (Modkilled Day 6)

Players remaining: 6 / 25
Town players remaining: 5 / 20
Mafia players remaining: 1 / 5
Mafia KP = 1 (#of Mafia/2 rounded up)

Cheating includes (but is not limited to):
1. Posting after death. You may have one polite goodbye post, but it may not contain any potentially game-changing information.
2. Ruining the game by doing something like handing out your mafia's member list to the town.
3. Logging on to someone else's account to get their role or looking over someone's shoulder to get their role.
4. Posting screenshots of your inbox.
5. Posting or sharing any PM you receive from a host.
6. Getting yourself modkilled to help your team. Your non-majority-decided death may not be used as a bargaining chip.
7. Signing up more than once using smurf accounts.
8. Offering favours/items/bells outside of the game for a ingame information.
9. Sharing accounts with other players.
10. Posting a false role PM phrased as if you received it from the host. You can still fake roleclaim, but you cannot make it look like you are posting a PM you received from the host.
Cheating is not tolerated here as it ruins the game for everyone. The mods and admins here CAN take action.

This game uses replacements. Replacements will be made in the game until Night 2. If a player is modkilled during the designated time, then they will be replaced by a player on the replacement list.

Time Cycle:
This game will follow a 48 hour day and 24 hour night cycle. In case I am not able to post around deadline, any votes after the 48 hour mark will not count and the game will be put on halt until the night post is up. Currently the deadline is Midnight (0:00) GMT, but that is subject to change. Actions/votes will be accepted up to and including the posted time, but not after.

Mod Font:
This is the mod colour. It is reserved for the host. Please do not use it.

Question Font:
This is the question colour. Use it to ask the host questions about the rules in public. You can also PM me.

You must post in this thread once per day/night cycle and vote every day while you are alive. If you fail to do so, you will be modkilled.

Spam is not tolerated, nor is any off-topic material. This also means you should condense your posts when possible. 15 one-liners in 30 minutes is unacceptable.

Editing is not allowed for any reason. Editing will result in a warning. After that, you will be modkilled. While I ask for everybody to post as concisely as possible, post again if you have to edit anything.

Inappropriate posts:
Mafia games can get heated and emotional. Please keep it civil and remember that what happens in Mafia stays in Mafia. Don't let things wash over to the rest of the forum, it's just a game.

Play to win.
That said, you should try your best to help your team win while you are alive and in the game. However, this does not mean that you should try to win by being a jerk to the other players so they all want to quit playing.

This also means that you cannot leave the game without a good reason. These situations will be dealt with on a case by case basis. PM your host if you need to leave the game.

You have been warned.

Out of thread communication:
It is common for mafia to use a medium outside of TBT such as QuickTopics or IRC to communicate during the game. Please be mindful that other players may be more tech savvy than you and they may attempt impersonate members of your team or attempt to infiltrate your chat. You use these media at your own risk.

Voting rules:
1. Voting is done in a separate thread, located here. You may announce and discuss your votes in this main thread, but only votes in the Voting thread will be counted. Do not PM me your vote.
2. Please vote in the following format: ##Vote Username. Votes not done in the correct fashion will not be counted. I will update vote counts whenever I get the chance.
3. If you want to change your vote, first type ##Unvote followed by your new vote ##Vote Username. You can change your vote at any time and as much as you like (within reason) up until the deadline.
4. No conditional voting.
5. You may vote for yourself. You may not vote for anyone dead or outside the game.
6. In the event of a tie the person with the most votes first wins (or loses).
7. Voting is mandatory. You may NOT abstain.

Curious bystanders can PM me if they want the link to the observers' quicktopic.

Thanks to TL Mafia whose opening post I have shamelessly stolen.

If you have not read all the rules, go back and do so. I will not compensate for ignorance!

These are all the possible roles in the game. I will not disclose how many of each role there are. There is no guarantee that all roles will be used. A player's exact role will be revealed upon their death.
Players will be randomly assigned roles when signups close and just before the game starts.

Town Roles


You are a regular member of the town, with no special abilities. However, you possess right to vote, one that can't be taken away (except by death).


You are a town detective. Once per Night phase, you may find out the role of a player from the host.


You are a disgruntled townie who's taking the law into your own hands. Once per game, you may PM the host with who you want to shoot. If your hit overlaps with a Mafia hit, your's will be cancelled. In the case of overlapping Vigilante hits, the person who sent their hit in first will go through. You will not know why your hit was cancelled, but will have that hit refunded. If you are roleblocked, your hit will also be refunded.


You've been around the block a few times and know how to handle yourself. You have two night lives. Given your unique status, your job is to network well, get vital information out to town, and make Mafia waste hits.


You are a town Doctor. Every night you can PM the host with the name of a player. You will protect that player from one hit for that night. You cannot protect yourself, but can protect other Doctors. Multiple Doctors can protect one player. If the number of hits exceeds the number of protections, that player will die. You cannot protect the same player two nights in a row. Both you and the person you protect will be informed if a hit was successfully prevented. The town will know nothing of the event. If you protect a Veteran and they are hit, your save is used up before their extra life.

Mafia Roles

Mafia Underling

You are just a minion. You have nothing except your voice and your vote to corrupt the town. You can deliver KP on behalf of the Mafia every night. Your ability as a group is to kill off whoever you decide to during the Night, including a fellow Mafia.


You are a Mafia Roleblocker. Every night you can PM the host with the name of a player. That player will be unable to perform any actions during the night. You cannot roleblock the same player two nights in a row. In addition, you continue to contribute KP to the Mafia every night as well as use your ability.

Suicide Bomber

You are crazy. Blow people up, that's what you do. One night in the game you may suicide into another player. That player will die (even if they are a Veteran), regardless of protection, and everyone who interacts with that player that night will be killed. You will also contribute towards the Mafia KP, including on the night you suicide.

Just to make it clear, all abilities are night abilities, and are to be carried out by PM'ing the host. You are free (but ill-advised) to publicly announce your intention, but you must PM the host for it to be actioned. All abilities will also be resolved at the end of the night, so Detectives will not be told the result of their check until daybreak.

Mafia and Vigilantes will not be directly told if their actions were successful. They will have to read the Day Post and work out what happened from that.

The Mafia will designate a single member of its faction to deliver each kill.

Mafia Killing Power (KP) is # of mafia/2 rounded up (including suicide bombers and roleblockers). KP is calculated at the start of the Night phase.

Town win condition: Eradicate all Mafia.
Mafia win condition: Create a scenario where Town cannot win (ie. Mafia equal or outnumber Town)
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Oh **** yes I'm so in on this. Sign me up.

Fun Fact: I used to run Mafia games on TBT back in 2007. I was thinking of starting it back up as an official event sometime soon, but it looks like you've beat me! Hope we can get lots of signups. :)

Also, if anyone pulls any shenanigans in here (posting a bunch after they're dead, posting mod PMs, etc) I'll take care of it.
Awesome! This can be a trial run to see if an official one is feasible.
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Oh **** yes I'm so in on this. Sign me up.

Fun Fact: I used to run Mafia games on TBT back in 2007. I was thinking of starting it back up as an official event sometime soon, but it looks like you've beat me! Hope we can get lots of signups. :)

Also, if anyone pulls any shenanigans in here (posting a bunch after they're dead, posting mod PMs, etc) I'll take care of it.

Psh, Justin, acting like you have power ;-D

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Oh my god I love this game!. I'd play this with the kids every year on a camping trip. SIGN ME UP!
I want to try it for the first time. C: If it ever does become an official event, then I'd like to be prepared.
I just hope I don't mess up the game, being new and all.


bring it onnnnn.
I'd like to join, it's sort of like an online game of drug dealer. When does it officially start?

I just hope I don't mess anything up or give it away, like I do in drug dealer x.x
I'd like to join, it's sort of like an online game of drug dealer. When does it officially start?

I just hope I don't mess anything up or give it away, like I do in drug dealer x.x

It'll start when I get enough players, or in a few days.
if its too crowded thATS ok
So I got a question from someone regarding the setup of the game.

This game is played "in one go", so there are no rounds or anything. Rather, it's a single game that will run for anywhere from 5-15 days. Players are expected to remain for the whole duration until their death. The game is split into alternating day and night phases. Day lasts 48 hours, and night lasts 24 hours. Day lasts longer because it is when most of the discussion will take place over who to lynch. Night, on the other hand, is quieter as only the few people with special roles, and Mafia will be active. There will still be discussion during the Night of course, generally related to how the lynch turned out