oh right so i guess it's tom then?oath2order claimed one-shot vig, which makes sense
oh right so i guess it's tom then?
A few names: Champ2947 and FireNinja1.
I feel like Champ isn't posting as much as he used to
and FireNinja1 like Lunatic pointed out earlier, is following his scum trend.
idk just my opinion
wait i'm confused
all the kills tonight were by mafia? or did vigs shoot too
Wow lunatic, that's great! Good thinking, but has his post content changed too? Does he post differently with different roles? That would give us a good idea to whether he's mafia or not. We can just start a witch hunt without solid proof, I mean what you've got so far is great! It's whether we can pull any more on them.
*inserts screams of madness because blues died*
Honestly, the medic role sucks. It's basically impossible to successfully protect someone. Tina wasn't too into the game, it irritated her, she even wanted to be replaced, so good on the mafia for killing her. Jer was insane and inactive, would've just hurt the town. And Beary, well hahahaha, you didn't win.![]()
Indeed it is.
Trundle and iLoveYou are town most likely. That leaves Tom and oath2order as those likely to possess the Godfather role. I suggest we lynch one of them.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Who's to say our hosts forgot to include my inspection in Prin's PM? Who's to say to say Prin held back some information from you guys? Do honestly think if I was Godfather I'd be that sloppy? Wouldn't I just go the Doctor or Veteran route?
Trundle your argument is flimsy and circumstantial at best. Prove my motive for killing my pal tsundere.
Your counter-argument is no better. The fact that you even defaulted to the hosts making a mistake shows your nervousness.
##Vote: Tom
Oh? But haven't you all doubted them the entire game? I don't like to speak ill of the hosts as everyone has to start somewhere, but you guys wouldn't put it past them.
While they have been lacking in some areas, I have a feeling that forgetting an entire action would be too difficult to pass up. Meanwhile, can the hosts confirm if they made a mistake or not?