Mafia TBT Mafia VI: Faithful June [Game Over/Town Win]

Has anyone taken into consideration that there may be a second framer? Lynch me if you'd like, but I ask that you think again at the possibility of a second framer.
Has anyone taken into consideration that there may be a second framer? Lynch me if you'd like, but I ask that you think again at the possibility of a second framer.
Like who? And I thought there was only one of each mafia role, but I may be mistaken.
Like who? And I thought there was only one of each mafia role, but I may be mistaken.

Never said who. Also, that was never actually stated, so quite technically we don't actually know the roles of the remaining scum.
Has anyone taken into consideration that there may be a second framer? Lynch me if you'd like, but I ask that you think again at the possibility of a second framer.

That's highly unlikely. There's two mafia left, and we haven't got the godfather or the scientist.
That's highly unlikely. There's two mafia left, and we haven't got the godfather or the scientist.
Yes, but I just read through the OP again, and it said that there could be none of a role, or could be multiples of a role. This means FireNinja is correct, there could be a second framer and no Scientist/Godfather.
Yes, but I just read through the OP again, and it said that there could be none of a role, or could be multiples of a role. This means FireNinja is correct, there could be a second framer and no Scientist/Godfather.

Yeah, I just read through it. Stupid me~

I suppose there might not be a scientist, but I definitely think a godfather is in this game. Every game that I know of has had a godfather.

But what I just realized is that if there is two framers, when the sane detective inspected you, you would have returned mafia, not town aligned. That's of course if the detective is actually sane, which they don't seem to know. :|
Yeah, I just read through it. Stupid me~

I suppose there might not be a scientist, but I definitely think a godfather is in this game. Every game that I know of has had a godfather.

But what I just realized is that if there is two framers, when the sane detective inspected you, you would have returned mafia, not town aligned. That's of course if the detective is actually sane, which they don't seem to know. :|
Inspected me? I thought the detective inspected Champ.
That was for FireNinja. I probably should've said his name once x3

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But, if there were two framers, who framed the same person, wouldn't that person return as the role they would normally return as?
Highly impossible there's NO GODFATHER.
No scientist? Maybe, I don't know. But I would assume that role is used up. Can someone check previous games and see if there was a time a role was not used up? I would, but I'm in class.
Highly impossible there's NO GODFATHER.
No scientist? Maybe, I don't know. But I would assume that role is used up. Can someone check previous games and see if there was a time a role was not used up? I would, but I'm in class.

I'll check through quickly. Could people hold on posting so I can post merge? Thank you

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Every game except for V had every mafia role listed assigned to someone. V didn't have a framer in the mafia team~

So based on past games, it's highly likely that someone was assigned to be the scientist.
I'll check through quickly. Could people hold on posting so I can post merge? Thank you

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Every game except for V had every mafia role listed assigned to someone. V didn't have a framer in the mafia team~

So based on past games, it's highly likely that someone was assigned to be the scientist.
So we can safely assume that there is not two framers.
Sorry that I couldn't answer the question right away. If Oath dies we kill Lunatic. Oath has been on Lunatic's case about bandwagoning so she may kill him. It is also possible that the mafia will try to frame her by doing this though.
You can't assume that.
Now that you've said it, the mafia player might just kill Oath to frame Lunatic.
I am still in class but I would like to look back at:
Blu Rose/Lauren/Tom's posts. From their suspicious we can see who has died so far and who hasn't, and then compare consistencies.
I know that Tom suspected me before he died as well as Farobi.

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Oh. BTW, there's 10 town left & 2 mafia right?
From the 10 town I know that there *should* be two more remaining blue roles.
Ones a vig who probably used up all the shots already, and the other should be a VETERAN. I'm pretty sure there are 2 veterans.
If you are that veteran please let someone you trust know, as well as the number of lives you have left. This can really help town buy some time to find mafia.
We still do no know who has that disease. If you have it, please PM me.
We still do no know who has that disease. If you have it, please PM me.

Lynn105 and Jawile are connected, and Jawile is a vig who used up all his shots I believe, this was commonly talked about between some of us in our IRC group chat. I'm pretty sure Oath can back me up on this info.
Lynn105 and Jawile are connected, and Jawile is a vig who used up all his shots I believe, this was commonly talked about between some of us in our IRC group chat. I'm pretty sure Oath can back me up on this info.
I would know, if I wasn't banned from #penguins -_-
Lynn105 and Jawile are connected, and Jawile is a vig who used up all his shots I believe, this was commonly talked about between some of us in our IRC group chat. I'm pretty sure Oath can back me up on this info.

I can confirm this.

I find it interesting how some actions seem to be taking a while to go in. I can assume it's mafia, since I, the one-shot vigilante and the other vigilante have no actions. The insane DT has sent in their action. There are no other DTs, and I doubt there's another Jack of All Trades. I highly doubt there's another Bartender or Paramedic. I can therefore only assume that mafia is taking a while to send in their action. But to what end? I know Ashtot is town, along with Jawile and lynn105. This leaves a few people left. They are ranked in order of most suspicious, to least suspicious.

  • Champ2947 - Claimed townie. Apparently you're busy with school, but you lurk and chat on the IRC constantly. You were very insistent on trying to get the information out of me as to who the insane DT was and you wanted to know my plans for if I die tonight. As such, I am HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS of you.
  • Kuma - Claimed townie. Of course you did. You're "busy with school". Yet you still have time to lurk on the IRC, chat on the IRC, and you seem to have for the most part, abandoned this game for Mini Mafia IV. Your business with school would prevent you from sending in the kills. As such, I am suspicious of you.
  • FireNinja1 - Welcome back to the game! Nice to have you back out of the blue. What, did your mafia friend tell you to come back to the game? After all, you've been posting everywhere else on the forums, especially in Raycre Village 2's roleplay. So you've been in the Basement. Interesting how you come back to the game now. Suspcious.
  • Lunatic - Claimed townie. You're active elsewhere on the forums. You've also previously mentioned in the thread that you were considering taking a break from mafia. Due to this, if you were mafia, I would assume kills would be sent in by now. Therefore, I can only assume that you are likely not mafia, or you are not the designated member to send in kills. Between you and the crap with the DT, it's extremely annoying.
  • reverie/Karen - Claimed townie. Again, you're active elsewhere, and are likely to respond to this as soon as I post it. I am slightly suspicious of you. In my opinion, you seem to be doing a good job of confusing the town. Granted, what with other events going on with the DT, this may just be my perspective. I'd say you are slightly suspicious, but not enough to consider lynching.
  • PurplPanda - With the mix of things I've heard from you and the DT, I don't know what to believe. You're doing a good job confusing me. That, and the fact that in a PM (and in a public thread), you said you were considering dropping out of the game because Stitches moved out. The fact that you haven't dropped out means you have some sort of reason to stay in the game. Are you a blue? Are you a red? I don't know.
  • Farobi - I don't know.
  • Kippla - Are you playing?
  • reverie/Karen - Claimed townie. Again, you're active elsewhere, and are likely to respond to this as soon as I post it. I am slightly suspicious of you. In my opinion, you seem to be doing a good job of confusing the town. Granted, what with other events going on with the DT, this may just be my perspective. I'd say you are slightly suspicious, but not enough to consider lynching.

Please. Doing a good job of confusing the town? More like the DT is doing a good job of confusing us. I know that you should know how confusing our remaining DT is, and it was never my intention to confuse town. I thought to ask the DT to confess what he/she has done the last few nights, and may I repeat -- BEARY CAME BACK AS TOWN FOR THE DT. This meant that everything we had planned earlier had to be rethinked over, and since I'm the "spokesperson", I'm obviously the one to put everything on the table.
It's fine to be suspicious of me. I think at this point its obvious most of the remaining Town players are Townies (with, like I said earlier, one Veteran probably remaining) so I'm going to say it nice and loud that I am a plain ordinary boring old townie. This game is getting boring with all the inactives, and as much as I hate to say it I don't care if I die or not.
There are a lot of other lynch candidates that would be better than me, such as FireNinja1, Champ, etc.

I am completely confused after communicating with this DT and what he/she has claimed to have done.

I would also like to add that both Champ and Farobi have asked me for the DT's name.