Mafia TBT Mafia XIII: XCOM: Enemy Within (End Game - Town Wins!)

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Please look out for the watcher though!

- - - Post Merge - - -

And how did Sataric get all these roleclaims, someone explain this to me.
And how did Sataric get all these roleclaims, someone explain this to me.

*Shaojie Zhang read through the message on his computer monitor, feeling surprisingly calm. So death had finally caught up with him? Spending most of his life working for the Chinese Triads criminal organizations, he was very familiar with the concept, and trained to be fearless. Over the years, he had taken countless of lives himself; Both of those deserving of it, and innocents alike. He deserved his fate - That he knew - But he never imagined he'd feel so relieved knowing that the end had caught up with him, and his final rest was close.

He walked out on to the balcony to light himself a cigarette. The moonlight touched down on his scarred face, but although he had a nearly monstrous look about him, his eyes were very friendly. "At least I found my way before it was too late", he muttered to himself in broken English, thinking about the terrible deeds he had done over the years. It had taken an otherworldly invasion for him to finally break free from the Triads chains, his bosses willing to sell pieces of alien technology to the highest of bidders, regardless of their intentions. Not even as the world was falling apart right before their eyes did some men stop thinking about how to stuff their pockets with more money. It seemed that to some people, profits matter more than even the survival of the planet they live on. He sighed.

After finishing his cigarette, he went back to his computer and accessed his encrypted channels. He left a carefully worded message for his most trusted XCOM comrades. Instructions and suspicions, for the most part. But also a heartfelt farewell, and a thanks for being the only true friends he had ever had. He finished the message with the following segment: "I've crossed many lines during my life, but now we all face a common enemy. Make sure they are stopped at any cost."

He was ready now, to face whatever may come next. And as he prepared himself for the final battle of his life, he couldn't help but smirk a little bit. He had waited for this moment for his entire adult life. This was not how he would ever have pictured his life to end, but he was proud of the part he had played in saving planet Earth from the ruthless Aliens and the vicious EXALT organization. His inner demons finally laid to rest, he was certain that his brothers and sisters would succeed in defeating these threats once and for all, and soon. "... Just one more cigarette" he said to himself, returning out into the night once more. And as he blew out a breath of smoke, he saw the glare of the Snipers infrared laser-sight in the corner of his eyes. He turned to face the direction of his assailant, and although he was hidden in the darkness much too far away to be seen by Zhang, he knew that he would be in the snipers crosshairs. And so he winked, and grinned devilishly..*

/ End of RP

Nicely written emails there, mister Oath. I had a very good feeling I was right about you all along. I have spent all my gadgets, and I was bluffing when I claimed I had a medpack remaining before, so at this point I am just a Rookie with a troubled past - but at least you'll get the satisfaction of killing me before the angry horde tears you apart in the morning to come. If you will even survive until then. You may find yourself lying dead in your own pool of blood before sun rises.

One game, you should try to work together with me behind the scenes, and you'll see that I am not nearly as annoying or unfriendly outside of the thread if I actually trust you. I think most people I've worked with can vouch that I am fairly pleasant company if I believe you're innocent, rather than scummy. Nothing I say and do in the thread is meant to be taken personally. I do apologize for annoying you the other day - I did it on purpose - But I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything, just get a better read on you and find out if you truly had good or bad intentions overall. I hope that after this game is over, all the drama will all be water under the bridge. Well played. (Since you're not Town. If you'd be Town with this playstyle, you'd have sucked! Haha! But you friggin' know that yourself! So don't hold that against me!)
Jeremy just missed two votes, he's been active, but he's doing the server upgrade.
Alice just missed two votes.
Murray has been in the IRC for most of the day but he missed two votes.
sunshinetea just missed two votes.

I'm not sayin' anything, I'm just sayin'. Probs some scum there.

- - - Post Merge - - -

RIP nevermind beat me to it.

Both of the votes I missed, the first one and the most recent one happened whilst I was sleeping, so being in the irc during the day wouldn't change anything (majority was reached at about 5am). just sayin
*Shaojie Zhang read through the message on his computer monitor, feeling surprisingly calm. So death had finally caught up with him? Spending most of his life working for the Chinese Triads criminal organizations, he was very familiar with the concept, and trained to be fearless. Over the years, he had taken countless of lives himself; Both of those deserving of it, and innocents alike. He deserved his fate - That he knew - But he never imagined he'd feel so relieved knowing that the end had caught up with him, and his final rest was close.

He walked out on to the balcony to light himself a cigarette. The moonlight touched down on his scarred face, but although he had a nearly monstrous look about him, his eyes were very friendly. "At least I found my way before it was too late", he muttered to himself in broken English, thinking about the terrible deeds he had done over the years. It had taken an otherworldly invasion for him to finally break free from the Triads chains, his bosses willing to sell pieces of alien technology to the highest of bidders, regardless of their intentions. Not even as the world was falling apart right before their eyes did some men stop thinking about how to stuff their pockets with more money. It seemed that to some people, profits matter more than even the survival of the planet they live on. He sighed.

After finishing his cigarette, he went back to his computer and accessed his encrypted channels. He left a carefully worded message for his most trusted XCOM comrades. Instructions and suspicions, for the most part. But also a heartfelt farewell, and a thanks for being the only true friends he had ever had. He finished the message with the following segment: "I've crossed many lines during my life, but now we all face a common enemy. Make sure they are stopped at any cost."

He was ready now, to face whatever may come next. And as he prepared himself for the final battle of his life, he couldn't help but smirk a little bit. He had waited for this moment for his entire adult life. This was not how he would ever have pictured his life to end, but he was proud of the part he had played in saving planet Earth from the ruthless Aliens and the vicious EXALT organization. His inner demons finally laid to rest, he was certain that his brothers and sisters would succeed in defeating these threats once and for all, and soon. "... Just one more cigarette" he said to himself, returning out into the night once more. And as he blew out a breath of smoke, he saw the glare of the Snipers infrared laser-sight in the corner of his eyes. He turned to face the direction of his assailant, and although he was hidden in the darkness much too far away to be seen by Zhang, he knew that he would be in the snipers crosshairs. And so he winked, and grinned devilishly..*

/ End of RP

Nicely written emails there, mister Oath. I had a very good feeling I was right about you all along. I have spent all my gadgets, and I was bluffing when I claimed I had a medpack remaining before, so at this point I am just a Rookie with a troubled past - but at least you'll get the satisfaction of killing me before the angry horde tears you apart in the morning to come. If you will even survive until then. You may find yourself lying dead in your own pool of blood before sun rises.

One game, you should try to work together with me behind the scenes, and you'll see that I am not nearly as annoying or unfriendly outside of the thread if I actually trust you. I think most people I've worked with can vouch that I am fairly pleasant company if I believe you're innocent, rather than scummy. Nothing I say and do in the thread is meant to be taken personally. I do apologize for annoying you the other day - I did it on purpose - But I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything, just get a better read on you and find out if you truly had good or bad intentions overall. I hope that after this game is over, all the drama will all be water under the bridge. Well played. (Since you're not Town. If you'd be Town with this playstyle, you'd have sucked! Haha! But you friggin' know that yourself! So don't hold that against me!)

You always seem to have a "gut feeling" and that you have everybody figured out. Someone explain why people roleclaim to him en masse. In any case, I certainly hope that we do not meet again in another life.
You always seem to have a "gut feeling" and that you have everybody figured out. Someone explain why people roleclaim to him en masse. In any case, I certainly hope that we do not meet again in another life.

He must have some kind of magic spell he uses on people.
You always seem to have a "gut feeling" and that you have everybody figured out. Someone explain why people roleclaim to him en masse. In any case, I certainly hope that we do not meet again in another life.

Very few people roleclaimed to me, Oath. I don't know who told you that, or where you're getting that from. I also did not truly fish for roleclaims in any way. The only one that truly surprised me with their roleclaim was Dolby who claimed to be the Doctor suspiciously early on Day 1, but it turned out he was telling the truth. And I didn't really have a role list until Ashtot sent me one yesterday, which I added a few updating touches to and sent back his way. But mass claiming is not how I play this game (Though there was a little bit of it during the first game I played, I admit! But only then!) and I don't know why you suspect that I do - I go for the people that seem the most suspicious, and people tend to trust me after I have done my best to prove my town alignment in the thread.

I do have a "gut feeling" about people sometimes - Like you being scum in this game. But due to Tina's words, you did have me fooled for a while, and I even spoke up to defend you on Day 2 if you recall, but then the scummy vibes came back due to the way you were posting. However, these "gut feelings" are sometimes also completely wrong. I was more or less ready to lynch MewMew earlier and she flipped Blue, and I think I have made at least one mistake like that for every game I've played more or less, so.. You have to take my suspicions with a grain of salt. (Pun intended!) Sometimes I'm right and sometimes I'm wrong, just like everybody else!

In the end, leading the lynches on CookingOkasan and AndyB was mostly done through the hard work of other people that trusted me behind the scenes. And killing NikkiNikki was pretty simple once I more or less knew she was EXALT. Now I am out of all of my powers and abilities and I think there's more than enough trusted XCOM soldiers that could step up and forward the detectives inspections after I am dead. I hope Town wins. I think we deserve that after making such a strong comeback after that awful start.

He must have some kind of magic spell he uses on people.

Well, I can be rather charming sometimes, believe it or not! Though most of the time in the thread, I am just acting like a prick. I tried being nice at first but nobody seemed to take me seriously then, so meh.. You've brought this upon yourselves! :cool:
Yeah you don't fish for roleclaims but have 2 DTs, a watcher, and a doc. Right

U jelly.

Also can everyone please understand that in a situation like the one with Mew, it's extremely obvious that she was blue because:
1. She is not a strong player.
2. If she was scum she wouldn't out herself at the beginning of the game.
U jelly.

Also can everyone please understand that in a situation like the one with Mew, it's extremely obvious that she was blue because:
1. She is not a strong player.
2. If she was scum she wouldn't out herself at the beginning of the game.

What does mew have to do with anything
U jelly.

Also can everyone please understand that in a situation like the one with Mew, it's extremely obvious that she was blue because:
1. She is not a strong player.
2. If she was scum she wouldn't out herself at the beginning of the game.

I suppose you're right, but she shouldn't have outed herself at all, because soft-claiming Blue is bound to get you killed sooner or later. She should have PMed someone that she felt could help her out, ask for advice, and trust in them - And then put their name in her will so that if she'd have died we could have gotten potential scum taken down alongside her.

I guess the fact that this game did not have coaches should have been taken into consideration a little bit more by myself and others, but I think it still worked out quite well. I personally feel like coaches should be left outside of the main games (at least when PMs/out of thread communication is allowed) and be a more important aspect of the Newbie rounds instead - But that's not a discussions that I want to have here in the thread!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Since I'm EST, does that means night ends at 7PM tomorrow?

Night ends in 20 hours and 9 minutes I think. Night actions and Last Wills normally have to be sent at least an hour before then.
Since I'm EST, does that means night ends at 7PM tomorrow?

Sorry that the timer isn't working, seems that the gifcountdown website is down as I can't access it. I'll fix it once it comes back up. Night ends at 6pm EST. :)
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