Mafia TBT Micro Mafia: High Risk High Reward - Night 2

this is going to be an absolute **** show i cant wait ness.
Even if I was blind (which I am not thanks to superiour Arstotzkan healthcare) I still have a nose
Just to inform you, since you seem unaware, I'm decked out in winter gear issued directly from glorious government. Your nose fails because you have gone insane.

5 TBT to anyone who kills both Sarasa and Dolby for continuing to Papers Please meme.
5 TBT to whoever can get Tom to become a pure Arstotzkan.
So that's like what 2 TBT? Also I'm not playing, joke's on you! Dirty memers.
The quiet, snowy Arstotzkan city of Grestin was going about it's business, but then a meme loving **** decides to come in, screaming "Arstotzka is for ****s!". The government overheard this, and throw our poor protagonist in jail for his treasonous words.

The terrorist rebellion has been crushed. The balance of order has been restored.

Glory to Arstotzka.