TBT Neighbourly Hide and Seek [Next session: March ???]

Ooohh I’ll throw my name in the hat too since I’ll be off that day!! If you’ve already reached max signups tho that’s ok, I’ll keep my eyes peeled for the next one! 🫶🥹

In-Game Name: Kam
Island Name: Koriko
Are you interested in hosting on your island?:
no my island is uggy LOL
Feb 22nd
IM ALIVE. sort of, im still sick lmao but i should be awake on time tomorrow!!

DateHostIsland (Host)Participants
📹 February 22nd 2025, noon ESTMistreilAsteria (himekirako)@himekirako
@Captain Jigglypuff

(and if someone's missing, i'll steal you got mail as a backup participant!)
see you all tomorrow!!!!
The Neighbourly Hide and Seek sessions will be starting shortly! You can spectate the session on The Bell Tree's Twitch channel -- we'll be chatting in the #multiplayer-1 channel on Discord. If you want to earn a few bells for spectating, please do join us in chatting there!
This was my second time joining the Hide and Seek sessions and I had so much fun! So happy to be apart of such a wonderful community 💗 Thank you @Mistreil for hosting these sessions, I can’t wait to join future sessions!! @himekirako had such a beautiful island, I had to get a lil photoshoot in some beautiful areas! ∩^ω^∩🎉

I FORGOT TO POST THIS HAHAHAHA hello all how am i STILL sick??? someone help

i'll figure out a day to hold a session in march at some point!! for now im going to go lie down and nap. or play monster hunter im not sure.

February 22nd 2025, noon EST

Found in the order: rrenaa, Kamzitty, Zerous, You got mail!, DaCoSim
Not found: himekirako, Giddy

.: Meri :.

and in the words of the wise