OK, I literally just reread all of day 1 posts...
1. I also did some research online about NL vs Day 1 Lynching and I completely understand now

hurray! I learned that with our set-up of 9 its best to Lynch day 1 and was very happy someone else did the percentages for me!
2. Alexi played an extremely strong foil to Lynn at the start of day one convo, but then once dust had cleared over NL they were all over Qwerty. I had called you out for being all for lynching people day 1 (granted this was when I was opposed to it) and you instantly said "what a scummy thing to say and support NL" which started the votes toward me because I didn't understand NL... but then you said you thought I was just confused and supported me, and we all continued on to Qwerty. If it was a tactic, you perfectly shifted suspicion on to me, and then cleared your own name (well played)
3. Runeraider posted the thing about NL being bad day one, but I think he is a smart enough and brash enough player to post that knowing "yeah its the smartest thing, but I'm gonna make sure they lynch a townie afterward" and I think he was annoyed I was so inexperienced and a strong proponent of NL that he wanted to just make me a target and kill me, while simultaneously looking like he knows everything and being a valuable player
4. I'm fine with keeping my vote on Helloxcutiee until they actually say something... because so passive, so innocent
5. Mother of all Llamas has never been suspected of anything, they just kinda throw little quips in here and now, but its nothing ever really substantial, so like what?
6. I totally trust Taesaek... despite wanting to lynch me