Shop TBT to NMT/IGB conversion. Full selection of Material Stacks, Paintings/Statues, Furniture/Clothing/Crafting Services, Flowers + Hybrids.

  1. TBT Bells
I’m on now
Okay, so it is 10 TBT right? Gate code is 2JRNV
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I’m on now
Im not sure what your time zone is, but right now I’m in spain and it is midnight so my nook’s cranny is closed, is it possible I can sell at your island? if not no worries
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FF0MJ is new code, i disconnected :p
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Okay, so it is 10 TBT right? Gate code is 2JRNV
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Im not sure what your time zone is, but right now I’m in spain and it is midnight so my nook’s cranny is closed, is it possible I can sell at your island? if not no worries
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FF0MJ is new code, i disconnected :p
Yeah, you can come over to sell on my island. I can send a dodo now.
Don't know if you are still on, but I would love to do the 100 NMT for 5 TBT exchange, if possible! TY!

UPDATE: it's looking like you are logged off for the night, but no worries! I'll check back tomorrow afternoon or evening (CDT time zone).
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